The place in an argument you would expect to find an argument's claim/thesis
What is the first paragraph (bonus 25 points if they said the last sentence)
When a research source is believable and trustworthy
What is credible?
The feeling that a piece of writing has, based on the author's attitude on the topic.
What is the tone?
The way an author looks at a topic or subject and their attitude toward it?
In ELA, what a genre refers to.
Bonus: List 3 genre's of non-fiction
What is a category or type of writing.
non-fiction genres:
News articles
non-fiction books
scientific studies/journal publications
news interview
statistics, quotes, expert opinions, and specific examples
What is evidence?
When a research source helps you answer your major research question?
What is a relative source?
Author's set a tone by being very careful with the __________ they choose and paying attention to the ____________ or feeling/implied meaning of a word.
What is words and connotation
We have been comparing contrasting texts on the topic of ______________ for our Socratic Seminar.
They were related because they all address the major research question:___________________________________
Bonus: Name one of the 4 texts we read, 10 points for each text.
First blank: violence
Second blank: ls violence sometimes justified, or is violence never the answer.
Bonus: "On the Mindless Menace of Violence" Becoming excerpt, "If We Must Die" Poem, "Satyagraha: Gandhi's Legacy blast."
What is a reason/reasoning?
These are 6 things to look at to figure out if a source is credible.
(This category can get partial points, 50 for each correct indicator of credibility)
What is
1. Domain Suffix (.gov, .edu, .org are the best but .com is sometimes OK if it is a reliable source like The Washington Post etc.)
2. The credentials of the author or the sources. (If the author is an expert on that topic; For example they are a Dr. or have a special job title that indicates they are an expert)
3. The source has a copyright
4. The source is free of grammar or spelling issues
5. The source is not surrounded by click bait or other sensational headlines
6.The source is unbiased, not a personal blog.
**There are possibly other answers that the teacher will assess.
If an article has an objective tone this means it is...
What is fair/neutral
Robert Kennedy's POV on racism and poverty
What is: He believed these things were just as harmful to a person as physical violence. (would also accept, another form of violence)
Read these two passages from “The Dangers of Social Media” to compare and contrast the two presentations. Then answer the follow-up questions.
Because social media has become so prevalent in our society, it is important for adolescents to learn how to use these tools appropriately. By the time children reach the age of 11 or 12, they have already become quite aware of the allure of social media. Eleven is old enough for children to understand the consequences of their actions, both online and off. During the preteen years, children should begin participating in the world of social media so that they will be well prepared to interact in this world by the time they become teenagers and adults.
—Point, paragraph 2
Of course, preteens can’t be expected to have the foresight necessary to keep from posting words and images that might come back to haunt them later. People are especially sensitive to criticism and embarrassment during the preteen years, and something that might seem like a good idea to post one day might be a terrible idea the next. Once something is posted on the Internet, it remains there forever. Even after you take it down, it might resurface later—even if you don't want it to! We live in a world in which politicians can be brought down by a single photo unearthed from the Internet. Allowing preteens to upload information to the Internet is too risky for their future.
—Counterpoint, paragraph 6
A. Both writers point out the negative consequences of having preteens post material online.
B. Both writers think that preteens should participate in social media to prepare them for the future.
C. Both writers think that preteens are old enough to understand the consequences of their online activities.
D. Only one writer thinks that preteens are old enough to understand the consequences of their online activities
D. Only one writer thinks that preteens are old enough to understand the consequences of their online activities
Label the following (either claim, evidence, or reasoning) from the "Bullying in Schools" article on StudySync.
A. The National Center for Education Statistics reported in 2013 that one of three students is bullied either in school or through social media
B.The simple fact that a huge amount of bullying still happens demonstrates that not enough is being done about the issue.
C. Although the media continues to raise public awareness of student bullying, many schools are still not doing enough to face the challenge of solving the problem
A. The National Center for Education Statistics reported in 2013 that one of three students is bullied either in school or through social media EVIDENCE
B.The simple fact that a huge amount of bullying still happens demonstrates that not enough is being done about the issue. REASON
C. Although the media continues to raise public awareness of student bullying, many schools are still not doing enough to face the challenge of solving the problem CLAIM
A. A pamphlet highlighting the schedule of events for a recent Olympics.
B.A report produced for the International Olympic Committee about anticipated construction for different events
C. A book discussing the history of the sports included in the Summer Olympic games.
D. A documentary on the facilities and structures that were abandoned after the Olympics had concluded.
What is
A. Not Relevant
B. Relevant
C. Not Relevant
D. Relevant
"The temperature was perhaps ten below, with a bright sun that shone through ice crystals in the air so that everything seemed to sparkle."
A. The detail contributes to the calm tone because of words like bright and ice.
B. This detail contributes to the magical tone because of words like bright and sparkle.
The best answer is B.
Read paragraphs 3 and 4 of the “Counterpoint” argument in “The Dangers of Social Media” below, to determine the author’s point of view. Then answer the follow-up questions.
Facebook is working to launch a preteen-friendly, “training wheels” version of the website, but the main goal is to boost market shares by increasing advertising revenue. What this means for preteens is that Facebook is more interested in advertising to them than in including them or teaching them how to use social media safely and effectively.
Preteens are highly susceptible to marketing that is targeted at them, and they are already exposed to plenty of advertising on television, billboards, computers, and even in some schools. It is important to minimize preteens’ exposure to advertising wherever possible, and social media websites are often riddled with ads.
A. Preteens are exposed to a lot of advertising.
B. Social media exposes preteens to too much advertising.
C. Facebook is correct to launch a preteen-friendly website.
B. Social media exposes preteens to too much advertising.
Compare/contrast the claim of "On the Mindless Menace of Violence" with the excerpt we read from Becoming. (This question has a 2 limit time limit)
"On the Mindless Menace of violence" makes the claim that violence never serves any purpose, and just contributes to more violence while the excerpt from Becoming makes the claim that sometimes fighting is necessary to gain the respect of others.
Which piece of evidence best supports the claim that we should have sports in middle school?
A. "In schools that have sports, students attend games after school."
B. "Research shows that school sports increase student interest in school."
C. "When schools have sports programs, the school must spend money on coaches and equipment."
D. "School sports in include volleyball, track, basketball and football."
What is B "Research shows that school sports increase student interest in school."
The website that would be most helpful to a student writing a report about plants that have adapted to thrive in a dry desert environment.
A. Desert Plant Variety
Many people think of cacti when they hear the words "desert plants." However, the desert is also home to beautiful flowers...
B. Desert Plants Watering
One of the best things about desert plants is that they do not require a lot of attention. Most experts recommend...
C. Desert Plant Landscaping
Use desert plants to turn your yard into a one-of-a-kind showplace. Get the most popular ideas and designs for free...
D. Desert Plant Abilities
The desert is a harsh environment. Many desert plants have developed a way to cope with a lack of water...
What is D.
Desert Plant Abilities
The desert is a harsh environment. Many desert plants have developed a way to cope with a lac
How would changing the following capitalized words change the tone of this passage?
The DISEASE (change to COLD) began with chills, headache, and a painful aching in the back, arms, and legs. A high fever DEVELOPED (change to COMES ON, accompanied by constipation. This STAGE (change to LITTLE BIT) lasted around three days, and then the fever suddenly broke and the patient seemed to RECOVER (change to START FEELING ON THE UP AND UP.)
Do you think that Gandhi and Robert Kennedy would share a common POV on violence? Find evidence from both sources to show that they would share a common POV
(up to 3 minutes for this question)
Answers will vary. Teacher will assess.
Explain how another text we read this year is related to "On the Mindless Menace of Violence" or the excerpt from Becoming.
Satyagrah is related to "On the Mindless Menace of Violence because both share the POV that non-violent strategies can be used to achieve political change.
If we Must Die is related to Becoming because both mention specific instances when their authors feel that violence is justified.