She … her teeth after breakfast.
a) does b) brushes
Is it C (countable) or U (uncountable)?
Chloe doesn’t like chocolate. ______
Chloe doesn’t like chocolate. U (uncountable)
Adverbs of frequency
My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening
He … a shower every morning.
a) Takes b) Does
takes a shower
Is it C (countable) or U (uncountable)?
Let’s buy some tea!. ______
U (Uncountable)
Complete with the negative form of Do and Does
We ___________ have a dog.
We dont have a dog
It describes a noun and a pronoun.
Is it C (countable) or U (uncountable)?
I don’t take sugar in my coffee. ______
I don’t take sugar in my coffee. U (uncountable)
Grammar (tense)
What is the tense of this sentence?:
She is completing math homework.
present tense
5:15 pm In english
Its a quarter past five
They don’t have any / some chicken in the store
They don’t have any chicken in the store
Simple present
He _____ (come) to school with his mother.
He comes to school with his mother.
Modal verb used to give advice
Thats weird. I usually have any / some fish for lunch.
Thats weird. I usually have some fish for lunch.
Simple present
He _____ (like) folk music, he cant handle listening to it! he completely hates it!
He doesnt like folk music, he cant handle listening to it! he completely hates it!