Units of Measure
Government policies
Factors of population distribution
rates of growth

In the Malthus theory, which rises faster, agricultural supply or population demand.

Population demand.


How does one calculate RNI?

Crude birth rate per 1000 people minus by crude death rate per 1000 people divided by 10.
What are anti-natalist policies?

They are politicies that are created by a country to lower fertility rates.


What is a physical factor of distribution?

Any answer talking about climate, landforms, or bodies of water.


Why does a populations average age grow?

Factors like sanitation, nutrition, and health care.


A population pyramid is what?

It's a chart that shows the ratio of people in a certain age group and gender in a place.


How does one caculate doubling rate?

take the RNI as a precent and divide 70 by it.


What is an example of a pronatalist policy?

Any policy will do, mainly looking at policies that give economic benefits to women or policies that use nationalism or appeals to ethos.


How come bodies of water matter so much?

They matter for transportation.


What countries have the lowest doubling times?

Countries that are newly industrializing have the lowest doubling times.


What is the DTM?

The DTM is a model that is based upon using the death rate and the birth rate of a nation to see how advanced they are and to see how fast their population is growing.


What are the three types of density?

Arithmetic, physiological, and agricultural


What stage of the DTM do countries have to be in to adopt pronatalist policies (usually)?

Stage 5


What percent of the worlds population lives within 250 miles of water? Answer can be +-10%



How does physiological density relate to population growth?

Since carrying capacity is determined by physiological density, there is a need to understand physiological density to understand whether or not a country should pursue anti-natalist or pro-natalist policies.


A population pyramid with a disproportionatly large number of 20-24 year olds may suggest what?

That the town the pyramid is for is a college town.


What density measure shows the carrying capacity of a land?

Physiological density


What are some examples of countries having an antinatalist policy?

Big one is Chinas one-child policy, any example will do.


How do physical and human factor vary with scale?

The smaller the scale the more specific the factors that affect people are, and the more physical they are. If someone's already in a city, then where they move is most likely going to be more an aspect of location and price than culture.


What three theories deal with population growth?

Cornucopian, Malthusian, and Neo Malthusian.


What is the cornucopian theory? And how does it differ from the Neo Malthusian Theory?

Cornucopian theory suggests that food supply will always outgrow population demand. This is different from the neo malthusian theory in how it doesn't warn of an imminent disaster that is the cause of population growth.


What is the large differenced between fertility rates and RNI?

Fertility rates are the average children per woman for a lifetime, while RNI is per year. RNI also includes death rate data while fertility rates don't.


Why are some countries adopting pronatalist policies?

falling birth rates and high population of elders means a high dependancy ratio and no one to pick up the slack when the older people retire.


How can politics be a push or a pull factor?

Any good response will do, main things looking for are discrimination, war, and corruption as push factors.


A population with fast growth will face which challenges?

Fast growth in populations puts stress on the carrying capacity of a place and can either lead to a development following the Cornucopian or Neo Malthusian theories.
