The Eye
The Ear

This is the process of encoding physical signals from the environment into neural signals

What is sensation 


These ____ detect the shades of white, black, and gray, while these ____ detect color (2 answers)

What is Rods and Cones


When this is tall, the sound is larger, when it is short the sound is softer

What is amplitude


Mr. Boudria was staring at the green chalkboard in class for 5 minutes instead of teaching. When he finally looked away to the white board all he could see was a red board. This theory explains what Mr. Boudria saw

What is the Opponent-Process Theory.


This principle suggests that we fill in gaps that exist to create a complete image 

What is the Gestalt principle of closure


When you see an actor in a movie, you know who he is because you have seen him in other movies. This is an example of what type of processing

What is top-down processing 


This inner surface of the eye contains rods and cones and begins to process images

What is the retina


Tom told his dad, "wow, your ears are so large!". Tom is discussing what part of the ear

What is the pinna


This theory suggests that the spinal cord is responsible for controlling whether pain signals are sent to the brain 

What is the gate-control theory


If you walk into a new grocery store, you head to the bakery to look for chocolate chip cookies. This concept is what you used to determine that the chocolate chip cookies were most likely in the bakery section 

What is schema (an organized body of information that is based on what we already know)


If you are at a loud concert, you will probably only be able to hear your phone ringing if the sound reaches this phenomenon 

What is the absolute threshold 


In terms of vision, this determines the color of images 

What are wavelengths 


Megan Fox went to the doctor because she is having a lot of trouble hearing. The doctor told her that the three bones in her ear are damaged and cannot amplify sounds correctly. He suggests a hearing aid. Mrs. Fox is most likely showing signs of this type of hearing loss.

What is conduction hearing loss


Molly Wolly went to the Taylor Swift concert and that night she had a dream that taylor swift had brought her own her private jet. This theory would explain that her dream was processing the day's events

What is the information processing theory 


This depth perception rules states that if Megan Fox is blocking the view of the tv, then we percieve Megan Fox as being closer to us than the TV

What is interposition


His law suggests that to be perceived differently, two stimuli must differ by a constant percentage

What is Weber's law


The point where the optic nerve leaves the eye, in which no receptors exist 

What is the blind spot


The middle ear is made up of these three bones 

What are the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup

Lil Mello had a dream that she was dating Ryan Reynolds over the phone and then almost arrested. Faith has never shown intrest in Ryan Reynolds or has ever been arrested. This theory would suggest that her random dream was caused by REM Triggers that evoked random visual images

What is the activation-synthesis theory 


Relative Motion suggests that this happens when you are looking out the window on a moving train (answer is an explaination)

What is that stable object appear to be moving and those closer to us appear to be moving faster than objects far away (like clouds)

This theory suggests that our sensation detection depends on experiences, alertness, expectations, and motivations

What is signal detection theory


These two types of cells are activated through chemical reactions and help to form the optic nerve 

What are bipolar and ganglion cells


This part of the ear vibrates in response to sound 

What is the basilar membrane


Painters are aware that when they mix the colors of red and blue they will get purple. This perception of purple is explained by this theory that the retina contains three color receptors (red, blue, green)

What is the (Young Helmholtz) Trichromatic theory (double points if got the young helmholtz)


These two depth perceptioon rules are the only ones that are binocular (require both eyes)

What is retinal disparity and convergence 
