City where believers were first called Christians
What book was the Ethiopian eunuch reading from?
Saul was a respected ________ who had been taught under ___________.
Pharisee, Gamaliel
What does Barnabus mean? What do we know about this man.
Barnabus means "Son of Encouragement." He was a good and holy man, a friend of Saul.
What is the Gospel?
The good news that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.
City named after a Roman Emperor
Ceasarea Maritima
What was the name of the man who Paul said these words to, "Get up and take care of your math."? What was wrong with this man in the first place?
Aeneas. He was paralyzed.
Saul was born a ________ citizen and was by trade a __________.
Roman, tentmaker
Who was Simon Magus and what did he try to do?
He was a sorceror and he tried to buy the Holy Spirit with money.
What was God telling Peter through his vision?
There is now a new way of doing things. The Gospel is for everyone, not just Israel.
Birthplace of Saul
What is another name for Dorcas? Why was everyone so sad when she died? Who brought her back to life?
Tabitha. She was a generous robe who made robes for widows and Peter healed her.
Saul was on the way to ___________ with what orders from the Sanhedrin?
What king put Peter in prison? What believer did he already kill? How and why did he die?
King Herod. James, the brother of Jesus. He was struck down and eaten by worms because he did not give the praise and glory to God.
(Free points to show God's grace.)
City where Aeneas was healed by Peter.
What did Peter and John pray would happen to the believers in Jerusalem?
that the Holy Spirit would come on them
Who befriended Saul and defended him against doubts of the other believers? What city did they decide to travel to together to help the church there?
Barnabas. Antioch.
What was the name of the servant girl who heard Paul knocking at the door after his escape from prison?
What does A.C.T.S. stand for?
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
Home of Simon the Tanner
Act out the conversion of Cornelius in detail, including Peter's vision.
Which man healed Saul? What did God say to this man when he told him to go to Saul?
Ananias. God said, "I have chosen this man to take the Gospel to the Gentiles."
What king and what group hated Paul so much that he had to be lowered down the city wall in a basket?
King Aretas of Nabatea and the Jews in Damascus.
What are the six steps in the process of salvation?
regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, sanctification, glorification