Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention
Jeffersonian Era
War of 1812
The Marshall Court
Leader who inspired the creation of a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation in order to avoid tyranny by a leader like him.
Who is King George III?
This agreement settled disputes between small states and large states by agreeing to create a bicameral legislature. One House based on proportional representation and a Senate based on equal representation.
What is the Great Compromise or Connecticut Compromise?
The Presidential Election of 1800 was given this nickname because it represented the first peaceful transition of power from one party to another. This was good news for Jefferson on his defeat of Adams for the presidency.
What is the Revolution of 1800?
One of the main points of contention between Britain and America in the early 1800's where American vessels were captured by the British. American sailors were forced to swear oaths to the British, or as Yana calls it "stealing their people".
What is Impressment?
The Judiciary Act of 1789 built on the vague ideas of Article III of the Constitution. It established this office held by nine justices and would have the final say in reviewing national disputes.
What is the Supreme Court?
Considered one of the few successes of the Articles of Confederation, this law organized the territory between the Great Lakes, Mississippi River, and Ohio River.
What is the Northwest Ordinance?
This agreement helped settle the dispute over whether to count slaves toward the population of a state. Southern states wanted slaves to count as a full person while Northern states didn't want them to count at all. The groups met somewhere in the middle.
What is the 3/5 Compromise?
This agreement helped avoid war with Britain in the early 1800's but was criticized by Jeffersonian Republicans because they feared it gave too much influence to the British as well as the Hamiltonian Federalists, and did not fairly address major issues such as trading rights or impressment. It is often seen as the cause of the party system in America.
What is Jay's Treaty?
Jefferson pushed this policy to cut off all trade with both France and England in order to avoid getting pulled into conflict with the two nations. The policy was heavily opposed by New England merchants who suffered greatly as a result of this plan.
What is the Embargo Act?
Serving as the fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall transformed the power of the court by establishing the power of Judicial Review in this court case.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
America's economy struggled greatly under the Articles of Confederation because the central government lacked the power to do this.
What is tax?
These founders feared the creation of a tyrannical central government so they agreed to sign the Constitution only if it included a Bill of Rights.
Who are the anti-federalists?
Federalists took advantage of this event to build up the nation's military in response to frustration with the French. It also led to an undeclared naval conflict known as the Quasi-War all because a few diplomats demanded tribute. Even though it took place during the Adam's administration it was often used to mock Jefferson and his pro-French stance.
What is the X, Y, Z Affair?
President Madison placed America in a precarious situation by replacing the Embargo Act with this policy. It would give either France or Britain the opportunity to support the United States, and America would re-enact the embargo on whichever nation did not support America. This essentially forced America into the War of 1812.
What is Macon's Bill #2?
Marshall's court favored this outlook on the Constitution which maintained that the document was a guideline but the government could go beyond its strict wording. People with this outlook often reference the Elastic Clause of the Constitution.
Who are Loose-Constructionists?
The Articles of Confederation struggled to pass law because each state held one vote in the legislature which consisted of one house. This term means one house.
What is unicameral?
This series of news articles was written to convince Americans to support the adoption of the Constitution as America's government.
What is the Federalist Papers?
Jefferson penned these as a response to what he saw as an unreasonable abuse of power by the government in the Alien and Sedition Acts. It set the precedent for secession by claiming that the two states would separate from the Union if the A&S acts were not overturned.
What were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
Americans who demanded war received this bird-like nickname.
What is a Warhawk?
The case of McCulloch v. Maryland helped refine the application of this concept of government that divides power between the state and national governments. It held that the Congress had certain implied powers needed to protect the principles of the Constitution and states could not interfere with valid exercises of Constitutional authority.
What is Federalism?
The failure of the Articles of Confederation was made clear during this event in which the central government struggled to put down a farmer's revolt because it did not have the power to raise an army.
What is Shays' Rebellion?
Among the many precedents set by George Washington, perhaps this was the most important events of his presidency. In response to unfair excise taxes this protest forced Washington to call upon a national militia to maintain the stability of the nation.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
Napoleon, desperate in his fight against the British sold the Louisiana Territory to the Jefferson administration with the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson made this purchase in order to guarantee control of which body of water?
What is the Mississippi River?
This meeting marked the end of the Federalist party when extremists demanded the secession of New England states from the Union. Upset by the growing power of the central government and continuation of the War of 1812, these extremists were outnumbered by moderates leading to the death of popular support for the Federalists.
What is the Hartford Convention?
This case was another example of the Marshall Court increasing the power of the Supreme Court and ultimately the federal government when it reinforced Congress' power to regulate interstate commerce.
What is Gibbons v. Ogden?