What is manna?
Bonus: (+100)
what does the word mean?
Manna is bread that God gave Israel from heaven.
The word means "What is it?"
According to Matthew 22:37 - 40, what is the first commandment?
Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and great commandment...
Matthew 22:37 - 38
What is the sixth commandment?
The sixth commandment is do not murder.
When Moses's arms got tired during the war, who held his arms up?
When Moses's arms got tired during the war, Aaron and Hur held his arms up.
What does commandments 1 through 4 teach us?
Commandments 1 through 4 teaches us to love God.
Who is Gershom?
Bonus: (+200)
What does his name mean?
Gershom is Moses's first son.
Bonus:His name means "stranger in a foreign land".
According to Matthew 22:37 - 40, what is the second commandment?
And the second is like it: "You shall love your neighbour as yourself."
Matt. 22:38
What is the third commandment?
The third commandment is do not take the Lord's name in vain.
What 3 types of law did God give Israel?
1. Moral Law
2. Civil Law
3. Ceremonial Law
What does commandments 5 through 10 teach us?
Commandments 5 through 10 teach us to love people.
Another name for Mount Sinai is Mount Horeb.
According to Philippians 2:14, how should we do everything that we do?
Do everything without complaining or arguing.
Phil. 2:14
What does the eighth commandment teach us?
The eighth commandment teaches us to respect other people's property.
Daily Double
Which law tells Israel what to do if someone steals property?
The civil law tells Israel what to do if someone steals property.
What did Aaron use to make the golden calf?
Aaron used the gold earrings of the people to make the golden calf.
What is the Civil law?
The Civil Law is laws governing daily life for Israel.
According to Matthew 22:37 - 40, how should we love our neighbour?
You should love our neighbour as yourself.
What does the ninth commandment teach us?
The ninth commandment teaches us to always be honest.
Which type of law told the people what the tasks of the priest are?
The ceremonial law told the people what the tasks of the priest are.
When Moses built an altar to the Lord, how many stones did he use?
Moses used 12 stones when he built an altar to the Lord.
What is Ceremonial Law?
Ceremonial Law is laws governing Israel's worship.
According to Matthew 22:37 - 40, name three ways we are to love the Lord our God.
1. With all your heart
2. With all your soul
3. With all your mind
What does the tenth commandment teach us?
The ten commandment teaches us to be content.
After leaving Marah when Israel was thirsty again, how did God provide for them?
When Israel was thirsty again, God sent water from a rock.
What does the tabernacle and sacrifices point the people to?
The tabernacle and sacrifices point the people to the Saviour (Jesus Christ).