These are the most important ideas and important concepts conveyed in the text.
Main ideas
When the theme of the text applies to people across cultures and time periods, or comments on what it means to be human, it's considered this type of theme.
Universal theme
How did our perspective of the victim change in the short story Entwined?
This type of essay conveys factual evidence about real people, places, and events.
Informational Essay
Writers add these to add clarity and structure to their writing. The primary function of this is to introduce an element or a series of elements that elaborate on what came before this marking.
A colon
The facts, reasons, and examples that support or explain the main ideas.
key details
What do you need to look for to pull a theme out of the text?
A life statement or lesson that is relatable to most people.
How did our perspective on true crime consumption change when you read Why Are We Obsessed with True Crime?
True crime can have a negative impact on our mental health.
How do authors of informative essays support their ideas?
With factual evidence.
A phrase that functions as an adjective by modifying a noun or pronoun.
Adjective Phrase
These are logical guesses based on textual evidence.
What story is this theme from?
"Waiting for all of the evidence before forming an opinion on a case is important."
What did we learn about true crime from The 57 Bus?
There are different levels of crime.
What types of evidence can you expect to see in an informational essay?
quotations from experts or a summarization of a scenario.
A phrase that functions as an adverb by modifying a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.
Adverb Phrase
You are building this skill when you focus, take notes, repeatedly listen to the same material, and share paraphrases or summaries of the topic.
Active listening skills
What story is this theme from?
"Consuming true crime every day can have a negative affect on your mental health"
Why Are We Obsessed with True Crime?
Explain how the townspeople of Skidmore were both the victim and perpetrator of a crime.
They were bullied by Ken McElroy for years while the police found themselves incapable of patrolling his behaviors. When they felt defeated, they ended up killing and covering up ken's murder.
Informational essays must be evaluated for...
accuracy and completeness
You can improve this in your writing if you use a combination of long sentences, short sentences, and even sentence fragments.
Sentence Variety
You are performing this task when you view the same topic through multiple points of view or explore how different mediums perform the same topic.
comparing accounts of a subject
What story is this theme from?
"Sometimes people take matters into their own hands when they feel unsupported by the protocols in place to protect them."
Podcast or "Vigilante"
Who suffers when a crime is committed?
Everyone involved.
How do you credit another person's work within your own essay?
Create a citation
When the subject performs the task in the sentence, you have created a sentence in this type of voice.
Active voice