What overall percentage of body weight, of humans does the brain take up?
- 5-7% of the overall body weight of humans.
What is the nervous system?
- A complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body.
What are the three Ear components?
- Outer Ear, Middle Ear, and Inner Ear.
Which scan takes x-ray photographs of the brain, computer creates 3D image?
* CT-scan (Computerized Tomography).
What is the difference(s) between the left and right halves of the brain?
- Left Brain; is more logical, analytical, and objective. (Numbers, and critical thinking, etc.)
- Right Brain; is more thoughtful, intuitive, and subjective. (Color, images, and creativity, etc.)
What percentage of the overall energy stored in the body, does the brain take up?
- The brain uses up to 40% of the overall energy stored in the body.
What are neurons?
- They are the basic unit of the nervous system.
What are the four (4) defined degrees of hearing loss?
- Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Profound.
What scan will show brain’s activity by tracing radioactive glucose? High radioactivity = greater brain activity.
* PET-scan (Positron Emission Tomography).
Who was the railroad foreman injured in an explosion where a rod went through his head, and he survived, but his behavior changed drastically?
- Phineas Gage.
Is the brain just one organ that performs significant body function? Or is it an organ that is divided into smaller parts that perform significant body functions?
- The brain an organ that is divided into smaller parts that perform significant functions.
What are the two major parts the nervous system is divided into?
- Central nervous system, and Peripheral nervous system.
How do you have your sense of smell?
- Olfaction or Olfactory Sensation.
Which scan will take a detailed picture of the brain’s soft tissue by aligning spinning atoms in a strong magnetic field?
* MRI-scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).
What was the first device that was used to measure the brain and took measurement of brain's electrical activity?
- The electroencephalogram or (EEG).
What is Consciousness?
- An awareness of the self, including things inside and outside the self.
What are the (3) three basic parts that the neuron consists of?
- Dendrite, and Cell Body, and Axon.
Olfaction and taste are both activated by what?
- Activated by chemicals.
What scan images the blood flow to the part of the brain being used?
* fMRI-scan (functional MRI).
How many major parts of the brain are there?
*Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Cerebellum, Medulla/Brain Stem.*
What are the two basic divisions of the conscious mind?
- Objective Conscious; That which is true.
- Subjective Conscious; That which is true from a certain point of view.
private experience of human beings.
Some neurons are covered in a fatty sheath called myelin and that helps messages to send faster. How is a message exactly sent?
- A message travels down dendrite to cell body to axon over the synapse to other dendrites.
When hair cells generate nerve impulses, and then send the message to the brainstem and auditory cortex what happens?
- It will be converted to meaningful sound.
What can doctor's do through scans and tests?
- Learn how drugs, diseases, and brain damage alter behavior.
Emergence of radiology allows us to do what exactly?
- Allows the ability to study the brain without surgery.