Inductive Reasoning
Conditional Statements
Deductive Reasoning/Miscellaneous
Algebraic Proof
Geometric Proof

Identify the next term in the pattern:

1, 4, 7, 10, ?

What is 13?


Identify the hypothesis of the following statement:

"If I scored at least a 90% on the test, then I got an A on the test."  

What is "I scored a least a 90% on the test".


This class period.

What is "whatever the class period is".


Solve for x.

x -1 = 8

What is x = 9.


Always the REASON for the first statement in a proof.

What is GIVEN.


Identify the missing term:

-243, 81, _____, 3

What is -27?


Say the inverse of the following statement:

"If I scored at least a 90% on the test, then I got an A on the test."  

What is "If I did not score at least a 90% on the test, then I did not get an A on the test." 


Name the law that states, "If p -> q is true and q -> r is true, then p -> r is true".


What is the Law of Syllogism.


The specific property you use to solve for the equation 6x=18.

What is the division property of equality.


If you are given that angle ABC is a straight angle, then you know that the measure of angle ABC is 180 degrees. The reason is...

What is the definition of a straight angle.


Person A started middle school at the age of 11. Person B also started middle school at the age of 11 In conclusion, you conclude that everyone starts middle school at the age of 11. True or false? Provide a valid reasoning.

What is False.

Listen to student response.


True or false? Explain your reasoning.

"If 13 is a multiple of 3, then a square has 4 sides."

What is true.

The conclusion is true. The hypothesis does not matter.


Provide a conclusion based on the given true statements:

"If your football team currently has the worst record in the NFL, your team has been already eliminated from playoff contention. Cincinnati Bengals has the worst record in the NFL."

What is Cincinnati Bengals has been already eliminated from playoff contention.


Identify the property to go from...

m<1 + m<2 = m<1 + m<3


m<2 = m<3


Subtraction property of equality


In a diagram, 2 angles are on the same line and share a common ray. You can conclude that the measures of those angles add up to 180 degrees. Your justification is by the...


What is Definition of Linear Pair or Linear Pair Theorem.


Provide a counterexample of the following statement:

For any numbers x > 0 and y > 0,

(x*y)^3 = x^3 + y^3 

* means multiplication

What is... 

There are many answers for x and y.


Provide a statement that is logically equivalent to the conditional statement below and identify that specific type of statement you mentioned:

"If I am a 25 years old, then I am an adult."


What is "If I am not an adult, then I am not 25 years old. Contrapositive."


Random question by teacher.



Identify the properties in steps 2 and 4:

Step 1: 4(x - 2) = 24

Step 2: 4x - 8 = 24

Step 3: 4x - 8 + 8 = 24 + 8

Step 4: 4x = 32

What is Distributive Property and Simplify.


Provide the reason to prove that...

The measures of two angles are equal to each other leads to the angles being congruent to each other OR vice versa.

What is definition of congruence (or congruency or congruent angles).


Identify the 7th term in the pattern:

3, 1, -3, -11,...

What is -123.


Provide a counterexample of the biconditional statement below:

"An angle is an obtuse angle if and only if it has a measure that is greater than 90 degrees."

Then, say the correct biconditional statement.

What is a straight angle.

"An angle has a measure that is greater than 90 degrees if and only if it is an obtuse angle or a straight angle."


The school vision (in order). We are...

What is...

Dedicated, Prepared, Motivated, Mindful, and Successful.


Write a full two-column proof for the following:

Given: x/4 + 9 = 7

What is "see student response".

x should equal -2.


Complete the entire geometric proof based on the given information on the board.

What is "see student response."
