What is the belief that all members of the global community accept collective responsibility for the challenges facing the world?
What is internationalism?
What is foreign policy?
A plan of action that guides a government’s decisions about its relations with other countries.
What is the responsibility to protect?
A doctrine stating that the UN must protect people when a state violates their rights.
Severe deprivation of basic human needs such as food, water, and shelter.
What is absolute poverty?
What is the term for help given with conditions attached?
What is tied aid?
Name all of the common motives of successful nation-states.
hat is economic stability, peace and security, self-determination, and humanitarianism?
What are two main bodies of the United Nations?
What are the General Assembly and the Security Council?
It separates like-minded individuals into isolated, often hostile groups
What is voluntary balkanization?
Name the contemporary global issues that affects the international community
Climate change, access to water, or the spread of disease
What does GNI stand for?
What is Gross National Income?
How does high employment contribute to economic stability?
High employment creates demand for goods and services, leading to more jobs and prosperity.
This global concept ensures that all members of a group or organization are protected from danger, often upheld by the United Nations.
What is collective security?
Why can international organizations sometimes threaten national identity?
They can impose rules that may threaten national identity.
How can internationalism address hunger?
Through international organizations and NGOs working to eliminate the causes of hunger.
The theory that prosperity in developed nations will benefit developing countries.
What is the trickle-down effect?
In 2015, nations around the world came together to negotiate the Paris Agreement. The agreement aims to combat climate change by limiting global temperature rise to below 2°C and pursuing efforts to keep it to 1.5°C. Nearly 200 countries committed to setting nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
What international response is this?
What is multilateralism?
The EU placed restrictions on financial transactions, bans on the export of certain goods, and limitations on individuals closely linked to the Russian government, following Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. It was to pressure Russia to reverse its actions and uphold international law.
What kind of action did the EU place upon Russia?
What is economic sanctions?
This concept blurs the lines between domestic and foreign policy, requiring cooperation on global issues.)
What is globalization?
What is one criticism of international trade?
It may benefit developed countries at the expense of developing nations.
A debt incurred by a despotic power, not to meet the people's needs but to strengthen the regime.
What is odius debt?
The EU demonstrates how countries relinquish a degree of sovereignty to achieve collective goals, such as economic integration or combating climate change.
What type of international response is this?
What is supranationalism?
Norway allocates a significant portion of its gross national income (GNI) to international aid, funding initiatives such as poverty reduction, healthcare, and education in developing countries.
Norway is an example of a country that has met the goals of this particular challenge?
What is the 0.7% Solution?
A significant part of the U.S. aid has been allocated to military assistance, and Egypt is required to use this aid to buy military equipment from U.S. companies. Similarly, some economic aid has been directed toward projects that involve American contractors or companies. For many years, a large portion of U.S. foreign aid to Egypt has been mandated to specific conditions.
What concept is being demonstrated in this scenario?
What is tied aid?
How does civil society contribute to internationalism?
It connects citizens, governments, and international organizations to promote global cooperation.
Refers to non-government and non-business organizations of various kinds.
What is civil society?