Mole Ratio
Percent Composition
Empirical VS Molecular
Limiting & Excess

What part of the chemical equation is used to determined mole ratios?

The coefficients 


What is the definition of percent composition in chemistry?

 Percent composition refers to the relative mass or proportion of each element present in a compound, expressed as a percentage of the compound's total mass.


What is the difference between empirical and molecular formulas?

The empirical formula represents the simplest, whole-number ratio of elements in a compound, while the molecular formula provides the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule.


What is a hydrate in chemistry?

A hydrate is a compound that contains water molecules loosely bound within its crystal structure.


What is an excess reagent in a chemical reaction?

An excess reagent is the reactant that is present in a quantity greater than required for complete reaction with the limiting reagent.


 In the reaction 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O, what is the mole ratio between hydrogen gas (H₂) and water (H₂O)?

The mole ratio between H₂ and H₂O is 2:2 or 1:1.


How is the percent composition of an element in a compound calculated?

The percent composition of an element in a compound is calculated by dividing the mass of that element by the total mass of the compound and multiplying by 100.


How can the molecular formula be determined if the empirical formula and molar mass of a compound are known?

By dividing the molar mass of the compound by the molar mass of the empirical formula, the ratio can be found and used to determine the molecular formula.


How are hydrates named?

Hydrates are named by using a prefix to indicate the number of water molecules per formula unit of the compound. For example, "pentahydrate" indicates five water molecules.


What is a limiting reagent in a chemical reaction?

The limiting reagent is the reactant that is completely consumed in a reaction and determines the maximum amount of product that can be formed.


For the reaction 4NH₃ + 5O₂ → 4NO + 6H₂O, what is the mole ratio between ammonia (NH₃) and water (H₂O)?

The mole ratio between NH₃ and H₂O is 4:6 or 2:3.


In the compound H₂O, what is the percent composition of hydrogen (H)?

The percent composition of hydrogen in H₂O is 11.19%


What is the molecular formula of a compound if its empirical formula is C₂H₄ and its molar mass is 56 g/mol?

The molecular formula of the compound is C₄H₈.


What do the water molecules contribute to in a hydrate?

They can contribute to the overall mass and affect the physical properties of the compound.


How can the limiting reagent be identified in a chemical reaction?

The limiting reagent can be identified by comparing the mole ratios of the reactants to the stoichiometry of the balanced chemical equation.


What does a mole ratio of 3:1 between two reactants mean in a balanced chemical equation?

 It means that for every 3 moles of one reactant, 1 mole of the other reactant is consumed and vice versa.


How can percent composition calculations be used to identify unknown substances?

By comparing the experimentally determined percent composition of an unknown substance with known substances, it is possible to make inferences and identify the unknown substance.


How can the molecular formula of a compound be determined if its percent composition is known?

By calculating the empirical formula from the percent composition and comparing the molar mass of the empirical formula with the actual molar mass, the molecular formula can be determined.


How can the percent composition of water in a hydrate be determined?

The percent composition of water in a hydrate can be determined by dividing the mass of water by the total mass of the hydrate and multiplying by 100.


How can the amount of product formed be calculated when the limiting reagent is known?

The amount of product formed can be calculated by multiplying the mole ratio between the limiting reagent and the desired product by the molar mass of the product.


What is the purpose of balancing a chemical equation and ensuring the mole ratios are correct?

Balancing a chemical equation and ensuring correct mole ratios allow us to accurately represent the stoichiometry of the reaction, indicating the relative amounts of reactants and products involved.


How does the percent composition of a compound relate to its empirical formula?

The percent composition of a compound provides the necessary information to determine its empirical formula, which represents the simplest whole-number ratio of elements.


In what ways are the empirical and molecular formulas useful?

The empirical formula is useful when determining the relative composition of a compound, while the molecular formula provides more specific information about the compound's structure and composition.


How can the formula of a hydrate be determined experimentally?

by heating a known mass of the hydrate to remove the water and then measuring the mass of the anhydrous compound remaining.


What happens to the excess reagent in a chemical reaction?

The excess reagent is not completely consumed and remains after the reaction is complete.
