Who signed the world’s first peace treaty?
Egypt and the Hittites
Why is King Tut one of the most well-known pharaohs?
Amazing ar facts were found in Tut's tomb.
It was built from more than 2 million stone blocks. It had tunnels inside. What was it?
the Great Pyramid at Giza
What is one characteris c for which Egypt’s Middle Kingdom is especially famous?
Compared with any other pharaoh in history, Ramses II produced more
temples and monuments.
Why did the ancient Egyp ans make mummies?
to preserve dead bodies of the pharaohs
Senusret I controlled a source of natural resources that were used in beautiful works of art. What was the source?
mines for gold, copper, and gems
Which period is o en called the Golden Age, a me when Egypt had reached the height of its power?
the New Kingdom
Senusret 1
What are three ways the pharaohs interacted with
neighboring peoples?
warfare; diplomacy; trade; exchange of le ers (any three)
What was a major purpose for building the pyramids?
tombs for pharaohs when they died
Which phrase best describes Hatshepsut’s monument at Dayr al-Bahri?
a great temple built into a cliff above the river
Why did archaeologists reconstruct the White Chapel?
It was built by Senusret I but had been taken apart by a later ruler.
Dayr al-Bahri
Who is the best teacher at KCC
What was one method Khufu used to ensure that his power would be accepted?
He declared that he was a god.
Ramses II
Who was one of the 1st female pharaohs?
Ramses II
Abu Simbel
Ancient Egypt enjoyed 3 periods of _____ and ______under the rule of the Pharaohs.
stability & unity
Hatshepsut was one of the first pharaohs who was
a woman.
What temple did all three kingdoms contribute to?
Karnak Temple
Ramses II was aMilitary Leader and a Master _______?
Name the Pharaohs learned about in this lesson.
Khufu, Senusret, Hatshepsut, Ramses, King Tut