Standard of Care
Due Care
Patient Rights and Responsibilities

What does standard of care mean?

a dentist and their entire dental professional staff will treat patients at the same level as other dentists in their area and continue to expand their knowledge as the profession progresses.


What must the dental team always practice?

Due Care


What is the patients responsible for?

to pay the reasonable fee for services rendered. They are also expected to cooperate and follow any instructions given before or after treatment


What actions could be included in the lawsuit claim?

 failing to diagnose or treat a condition to intentional misconduct by the dentist.


How can a dental team end the dentist-patient relationship?

by giving proper notice to the patient and there is a valid reason.


What if the dental team does not practice standard of care?

 it could put a patient or staff at risk, and they could be held responsible with a malpractice suit.


What is due care?

when there is no negligent act committed by the dentist or dental professional staff.


What does the patient have the right to do? 

contribute to their treatment planning process to the best of their ability. They have the right to choose their own dental practice. The patient also has the right to know the education that the dentist and their staff have received. 


WHat four conditions must be present for a malpractice suit to be successful?

Duty, Derelict, Direct Cause, Damages


How many days must the office continue to see a patient after giving the patient a written dismisal

30 days


What is the second level of the standard of care?

 they are to use their best skills and judgment when determining treatment for a patient.


Why does the dental team need to do research on how their products work and any side effects of the product?

The dental team needs to understand this patient's health history to know how this material could affect the patient


Whos is it up to, to ensure a positive dentist-patient relationship?

both the dentist and patient


Why would a lawsuit be brought against a dental practice?

 if a patient feels that they are being neglected.


What happens if the dentist goes on vacation and does not find a dentist to be available for emergencies or leave a phone number that patients can call? 

it is considered abandonment. 


What are some reasons the dental team can not refuse to treat a patient?

based upon race, color, or creed. Also, they cannot violate the Americans with Disabilities Act that protects patients that have infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


What could happen if a patient doesnt follow instructions afte rtreatment

could contribute to negative results of treatment.


Describe what derelict means

A standard of care was not met resulting in some kind of negligent act.


What is the only exception for not seeing a patient

if they have a special condition that requires the need for a specialist, such as periodontal disease


Who's role is it typically do get an updated health history?

Dental Assistants


Give an example of a malpractice claim that would be successful

When a dentist extracts the wrong tooth
