A wheel is the shape of a ________________.
A. celery
B. circle
C. spicy
The actor stepped on the _____________ to read his lines.
A. stage
B. staje
A. stage
a loud sound
Why did the town need to build a new school?
It was crowded
Tom made a snack tray if ________ and carrots.
A. icy
B. celery
C. circle
B. celery
The tall man left a ___________ footprint.
A. huge
B. huj
A. huge
movement toward something
Was this story written in a journal or a newspaper?
Lois slipped on the _____________ sidewalk.
A. icy
B. spicy
C. face
A. icy
My best friend is the same __________ I am.
A. age
B. aje
A. age
What is the biggest difference between the old and new school?
My little brother had jelly all over his___________.
A. circle
B. spicy
C. face
C. face
A _________ has a long neck.
A. geraff
B. giraffe
B. giraffe
What are solar panels?
A source of energy
My mouth feels hot after eating the ____________ pepper.
A. spicy
B. icy
C. celery
C. celery
Mom added ____________ to spice up the salad.
A. ginger
B. ginjer
A. ginger
Place where something came from
Who wrote about the school in our previous story?
Victor, in his journal