Author's Craft
Claim, Central Idea, Structural Patterns
Word Study
Genre and Text Elements

The time and place of the action of a story.

What is setting?


An idea or message that authors want a reader to understand. 

What is central idea?


This Greek prefix means "very small".

What is micro-?


In an informational text, the author uses ___ or supporting evidence to develop a central idea.

What is details?


The u always follows this letter.

What is q?


The speed at which a story’s events unfolds.

What is pacing?


This structural pattern often uses signal words like "similarly," "by contrast," and "although."

What is compare and contrast?


The ___ of a word is the meaning given in the dictionary. 

The ___ of a word refers to the feelings or emotions the word creates. 

What is denotation and connotation?


This type of detail are reliable, objective numerical data.

What is statistic?


Place a comma or commas where needed in the following sentence:

As the days get colder the number of leaves on the trees will fall which can change the look of the forest.

What is after “colder” and “fall”?


Setting also includes the beliefs and values of the people living in a specific historical period. This impacts the character’s actions and the plot as a whole. True or False?

What is true?


This structural pattern often uses signal words like “on the other hand”, “drawback”, and “however."

What is advantage/disadvantage?


List four different ways commas are used in a sentence. 

What is introductory elements, words in a series, nonessential elements, and transitional words or phrases?


A story’s insight or message about life that a story conveys. Can a story can have more than one of these?

What is theme and yes?


Place a comma or commas where needed in the following sentence: 

In time the number of fish that live in the area will drop which can lead to an imbalance of species.

What is after “time” and after “drop”?


These are the words or sentences surrounding an unfamiliar word that can help you figure out its meaning.

What is context clues?


When reading a passage that uses words like "leads to," "resulting in," or "because," you are likely encountering this structural pattern.

What is cause and effect?


A prepositional phrase usually gives more information about _____.

What is what kind, which one, how, when, or where?


Before you begin reading, this part of a text can offer insight into the central message or theme of the text.

What is title?


Revise the error in the following sentence: 

Rather than let its numbers dwindle, people are working on solutions to these problems.

What is change “its” to “their”?


The setting is often used to create obstacles for characters, such as harsh environments, time periods, or social conditions, which can lead to _____.

What is conflict between the characters?


When an author provides an argument and supports it with reasons, they are presenting a ____. 

What is claim?


Identify the preposition in the following sentence and explain how do you know: 

The plane flew above the clouds.

What is Above because a preposition is a word that comes before a noun or a pronoun and relates the noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence?


The purpose of this in the text is to identify the source of a specific detail.

What is in-text citations?


Fix the error in the following sentence:

The team was excited to begin their quest to uncover the lost city, but they knew the journey would be full of qestions that needed answers.

What is questions its needs a u after the q?
