What did Prophet Ibrahim break when he was young?
The idols
What happened to Prophet Yusuf when he was young?
His brothers threw him in a well
Why did the Pharaoh order his army to kill many baby boys?
He was afraid that a boy from one of the poor families would kill him one day
What big sea creature swallowed Prophet Yunus?
A whale
Where was Prophet Muhammad born?
What happened when Prophet Ibrahim was thrown into the fire?
Allah made the fire cool, and he was safe
What was Prophet Yusuf’s special ability?
He could interpret (explain) dreams
Where was Prophet Musa found as a baby?
In a basket in the river
Why was Prophet Yunus swallowed by the whale?
He left his people without Allah’s permission
What was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s mother?
What are the names of his two sons?
Ismail and Ishaq
What animals did the King see in his dream?
7 large cows eating 7 thin cows
The Pharaoh's wife adopted him, so he could not be killed
After Prophet Yunus left the whale, what did Allah make grow for him to give him shade?
A plant (gourd plant)
What is the name of the rich woman that gave Nabi Muhammad a job? They later married
What did Prophet Ibrahim and his son build together in Makkah?
The Kaabah
T/F: Yusuf's brothers told Yaqub that a bear ate Yusuf
FALSE: A wolf, not bear
What miracle did Prophet Musa’s stick perform?
It turned into a snake
How did the sailors select Yunus' name?
What angel brought the message of Allah to Prophet Muhammad?
Angel Jibreel
Who was Prophet Ibrahim's wife?
Give me the Family history in order. Start with Ibrahim
Ibrahim -> Ishaq -> Yaqub -> Yusuf
How did Prophet Musa and his people escape from Pharaoh?
Allah parted the Red Sea for them
Say the full dua that Yunus said while inside the whale
There is no god but you, glory be to you. Surely I became among the unjust
What was the first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad?
"Iqra" (Read)