This important nutrient helps rebuild the muscles.
This Component of Fitness strengthens the heart and lungs, lowers blood pressure, and helps prevent heart disease.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
This food has a dangerous amount of which ingredient?
Added Sugar
What do the Healthy Eating Guidelines say about Fruits and Vegetables?
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
Which type of illnesses develop over a long period of time, and can be brought on by lifestyle choices (including poor nutrition habits)
Chronic Diseases
This important nutrient is used by the body as a fuel source.
This Component of Fitness refers to how much force your muscles can put out when they contract.
Muscular Strength
If you ate the whole pint of Ben and Jerry's, how many calories would you have consumed?
1,110 calories
Half of your grains should be made up of which kind?
Whole Grains
Function at its best
Repeating efforts of air squats, sit ups, push ups, and pull ups will help improve which Component of Fitness?
Muscular Endurance
This food has a high amount of which nutrient and which mineral?
Protein and Calcium
What does "Natural Foods" mean?
Foods that grow (plants and animals).
This chronic illness causes the bones to become weak and brittle
The "Keto" diet promotes higher consumption of which nutrient?
Improving this Component of Fitness decreases the likelihood of injury during exercise or activity.
If you ate this whole bag of Takis, how many servings AND calories would that be?
10 Servings, 1,400 Calories
The Healthy Eating Guidelines say you should eat a variety of which type of nutrient?
Protein (Also acceptable: fruits and vegetables)
Name 3 Chronic Diseases that are often associated with Obesity.
Answers include: Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Type II Diabetes, Cancer, Osteoporosis
Name the 6 Important Nutrients.
Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
Name the 4 Components of Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility
How can you tell that this is a natural juice product?
It has 0g of Added Sugars
What 3 things do the Healthy Eating Guidelines say to eat LESS of?
Unhealthy Fats, Sugar, Salt
Eat a healthy diet