What is a estate?
Social group determined by birth.
Name at least two ideas defended by the Enlightenment.
Use of reason, defence of knowledge and education, antropocentrism...
What is Mercantilism?
Economic theory that defended that the wealth of a nation depended on the amount of precious materials.
Who was the last monarch from the Austrias dynasty in Spain?
Carlos II.
What different groups made up the Third Estate?
Bourgeoisie, artisans and peasants.
What social group could take advantage of the Enlightened ideas?
What were the Real Factories?
Factories created by the King that produced manufactures.
When and why did the War of Spanish Succession start?
It started in 1701, because Carlos II died in 1700 with no heirs.
What were the privileged estates?
Nobility and clergy
What thinkers directed the first Encyclopedia?
Diderot and d'Alambert.
What continents were involved in the Triangular Trade?
Europe, Africa and America.
What Spanish King is considered an Enlightened monarch?
Carlos III.
What are the characteristics of Absolutism?
Agrarian economy, stratified society and Absolute Monarchy.
Absolute monarchs tried to incorporate the new lines of thought of the Enlightenment. What is the mane of this political system?
Enlightened Despotism.
What measures were taken by European States in order to introduce a protectionist economy?
Promoting exports and avoiding imports, raising taxes...
What territories were affected by the New Planta Decrees and why?
Valencia, Mallorca, Catalonia and Aragon were affected by the New Planta Decrees because they supported Carlos from Austria during the War of Spanish Succession.
Name the most important absolute monarch in Europe, the country he ruled and his dynasty.
Louis XIV from France. Bourbon dynasty.
What thinker defended the freedom and equality of people on his book “The Social Contract”?
Why the population grew in the 18th century in Europe?
Wars were over, better nutrition, public works in cities.
When was the Treaty of Utrecht signed and what were the conditions established?
It was signed in 1713.
Felipe V became King of Spain.
Felipe V renounced to the French Throne
Felipe V gave territories to other European countries (Menorca, Gibraltar, Naples...)