Properties of Water
Chemical Weathering
Mechanical Weathering
Water World
Water World II
The Reality

A result of the unequal sharing of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen makes water this kind of molecule

What is a polar molecule?


Chemical weathering is defined as this.

What is the breakdown of rocks and minerals through chemical reactions?


Mechanical weathering is defined as this.

What is the physical breakdown of rock without any change in the chemical composition of the rock?


Water is this type of natural resource.

what is renewable?


Most of you don't have one of these because you have to pass a test to get one.  But this singer does! And it's currently the number one song on Billboard's Top 100!

We need the artist and the title of the song.

What is "Drivers License" by Olivia Rodrigo?


It takes a lot of this to heat up water. 

What is heat energy?


I don't what they're teaching in Canada, but if I was Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, I'd probably invest in my education so I could spell this best part of the week correctly!

What is the Weeknd?


The ability of water to stick to other materials is known as this.

What is adhesion?


The famous red rocks of Red Rock Canyon got their red color from this.

What is oxidation?


This rock had good intentions when it decided to move to the North Pole, Andrew.  But after realizing it was too cold, it decided to split! This type of weathering is known as this.

What is ice or frost wedging?


A single water molecule is held together by this type of bond.

What are covalent bonds?


To save her ailing father from serving in the Imperial Army, this fearless young woman disguises herself as a man to battle northern invaders in China.

Who is Mulan?


The breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on the surface of Earth into sediments is known as this.

What is weathering?


This is the ACT score needed to get accepted into UNLV.

What is 22?


The fact that it can dissolve almost all other materials in the world gives water this nickname.

What is "The Universal Solvent"?


Uh oh, kids! Mount Charleston is made of limestone. Limestone often has a pitted surface because of this type of chemical weathering.

Don't break your ankle!

What is acidification, or acid rain?


This tree's bark was just as big as its bite.  Too bad the rock didn't know that before he decided to make his home here.  This type of weathering is known as this.

What is root wedging, or root pry?


If salt is the solute and saltwater is the solution, then water is this.

What is the solvent?


This popular TV show ran from 2005 to 2013 but was still the number one streamed show on Netflix in 2020.

What is "The Office"?


Unlike most materials, water does this when heat is removed from it and it becomes a solid.

What is expand?  

Freeze from the top down.


This is the average ACT score in the United States.

What is 20.6?

I will accept 20 or 21.


WATER IS WET! The ability of water to stick to other water molecules is known as this.

What is cohesion?


When a rock or mineral chemically reacts with water and becomes a different mineral, the chemical weathering process is known as this.

What is hydrolysis? 

Here's a fun fact, kids!  The mineral Anhydrite becomes gypsum from hydrolysis!  


Kick rocks, bro.  After a long life of being weathered, rocks are broken down into smaller fragments that range in size from boulders, down to sand grains and even mud.  These smaller fragments are known as this.

What are sediments?


Multiple water molecules are held together by this type of bond.   

What are hydrogen bonds?


This tabletop game has experienced a resurgence thanks to the Netflix series, The Queen's Gambit.

What is chess?


This property of water allows it to hold on to heat very well.  It is why your cup o noodle stays warm for so long.

What is its high specific heat capacity?


This is the overall percentage of students that earned a failing grade for the first semester in geoscience.

What is 80%?


The fact that water in its solid form is less dense than in its liquid form allows it to do this.

What is float?


This element is the main reactant in oxidation.

What is oxygen?


This rock's friends went too far when they pushed him off a cliff.  We would call it falling, but the removal or transportation of rock and sediment is known as this.  The actual movement, not the deposition.  

What is erosion?


If Earth is cooling, then more ice forms, which makes Earth even colder.  This is called a __________ .

What is a positive feedback loop?


Last year, Las Vegas broke the record for most consecutive days without rain.  240 days!  I spent a lot of days looking up at the sky, saying this phrase, which just happened to be the title of the number one song of the year!

I want the song and artist(s).

What is "Rain on Me" by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande.


Waters high specific heat capacity helps to regulate this.

What is Earth's temperature?


What is Earth's climate?


This is the percentage of people that live paycheck to paycheck and is the same percentage of people that say they do not like what they do for a living.

What is 80%?
