Psychologist who conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
Thorndike's principle stating that behaviors followed by satisfying consequences are likely to be repeated.
What is the Law of Effect?
Reinforcing a behavior every single time it occurs.
What is continuous reinforcement?
Mental representations of physical spaces.
What are cognitive maps?
These behaviors persist because of accidental associations with reinforcement.
What are superstitious behaviors?
This reflexive, involuntary response occurs naturally to an unconditioned stimulus.
What is the unconditioned response?
Taking away something unpleasant to increase a behavior.
What is negative reinforcement?
Getting your paycheck every two weeks is an example of which reinforcement schedule?
Fixed Interval
Aimee had a French nanny when she was younger. She never purposely paid any attention to what her French nanny was saying. However, 10 years later when Aimee visited France, she realized that she understood enough French to get by on her trip.
What type of learning took place?
Latent Learning
What is the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers?
Secondary reinforcers need to be learned. Primary reinforcers inherent wants/needs of the subject.
Ms. D'Anna reads a list of words aloud to her AP Psychology class. After she says the word CAN, she sprays Cyrus/Dylan with water. After a while, Crys/Dylan flinch after Ms. D'Anna says the word CAN even without being sprayed.
What is the unconditioned stimulus?
The spray of the water bottle.
Behaviors that come closer and closer to the final target behavior are reinforced during the training.
What is shaping?
While calling the bank, you end up on hold for some time until the representative answers your call.
Which schedule of reinformcent?
Variable interval.
The chimpanzee suddenly came to the realization that he could stack crates to reach the bananas that were hanging from the top of his cage.
What type of learning is taking place?
Insight Learning.
After developing a conditioned salivation response to the color yellow, salivation will likely occur to the color orange.
This is an example of ____________.
Ms. D'Anna reads a list of words aloud to her AP Psychology class. After she says the word CAN, she sprays Cyrus/Dylan with water. After a while, Crys/Dylan flinch after Ms. D'Anna says the word CAN even without being sprayed.
What is the conditioned stimulus?
The word CAN
Sheldon wants Penny not to talk while watching TV. When she walks into the hallway to answer the phone, Sheldon gives Penny a piece of chocolate.
What type of reinforcement is Sheldon using?
Positive Reinforcement.
Business rewards programs use this type of reinforcement in which for every 10 purchases, the customer receives one free.
What is fixed ratio?
Children were put in a room with adults who acted violently towards a doll. They also acted violently towards the doll when they were left alone with the doll.
What type of learning is taking place?
Social/Observational Learning
If a dog normally salivates to the sound of the can opener, you would present the sound of the can opener, but not give the dog food. Eventually, the dog would stop salivating to sound of the can opener.
What is this procedure called?
This learning process explains how a child learns to fear dogs after being bitten once, though they represent different types of conditioning.
Associative Learning
When Kevin fails to complete his assigned chores, his parents require him to do additional yard work beyond his normal responsibilities. The extra work creates an unpleasant experience that is added to discourage his lack of completion. He becomes more motivated to complete his original chores on time.
What type of reinforcement is being used?
Positive punishment
Which reinforcement schedule is most resistant to extinction?
When an observer witnesses a positive consequence of a behavior, and in turn, becomes more likely to also display that behavior.
What is vicarious learning?
When stimuli that are similar to the CS do not result in a CR, after repeated training in which the CS is paired with a UCS, but the similar stimuli are not paired with the UCS.
What is discrimination?