Why was Parvana scared to go outside?
Because she was afraid people would find out she was a girl.
Did Vinny jump?
What part of your brain causes you to feel fear?
The amygdala.
What are phobias?
An intense fear reaction to a particular thing or a situation.
What did Orville and Wilbur want to accomplish?
To make the first-ever airplane.
Why was Parvana's family going to turn her into a boy?
So she could buy resources for her family.
Why did Vinny and his friends go to the ravine?
He was peer-pressured into going.
What is one common fear/phobia?
Deepwater, public speaking, spiders, animals, thunderstorms, etc.
Why do teenagers feel more embarrassed than adults and younger children?
Because of hormones.
What year did they succeed in flying?
In 1903. :)
Who is Parvana's sister?
How long ago did Butchie drown?
Two weeks and one day ago.
What are some ways phobias develop?
Who was the first Wright brothers to die?
Wilbur Wright.
Who is Parvana's brother
What does Starlene think happened to Butchie?
What can phobias cause?
Dread, upset, etc lol
Who wrote Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain?
Jennifer Conner-Smith.
What killed the Wright brothers?
Orville died of a heart attack, Wilbur died of sickness.
What did Parvana realize?
That her family depended on her.
Why doesn't Vinny want to jump?
He's scared of heights. :)
What is one way to overcome phobias?
Which part of the brain rewards us and makes us want to fight or run away?
The limbic system.
Did the Wright brothers lose hope?
Yeah lol