Important Documents and Their Impact
Money and Trade
The Plague and Its Effects
Social Structures and Philosophies
The Manor System and Medieval Life

What was the economic impact of the Magna Carta?

 It limited the king's ability to tax the citizens.


 How did currency change during the Song Dynasty?

Paper currency was used for the first time and replaced the heavy copper coins.


How did international trade help spread the plague?

The plague spread from Central Asia along trade networks to Europe. 


a person or group blamed for problems they did not cause

a scapegoat


 How was the manor system beneficial to the medieval economy?

 Manors created self-sufficient communities where peasants worked together for their protection and needs.


How did the Crusades affect Europe economically?

The Crusades brought about an opening of trade routes and an increase in European wealth.


What was one benefit of using paper money?

lighter and easier to carry 


What was the connection between the plague and trade routes?

Trade routes allowed the plague to travel quickly from one area to another.


The organization of social classes in a society.

social structure


What role did peasants play in the manor system?

hey worked the land and provided food in exchange for protection from the lord.


What does the term "trial by jury" mean?

 a group of people has to decide if someone is guilty or innocent.


What is "currency"?

currency is the type of money used in a country.

What was "The black plague"
A disease that spread quickly through Medieval Europe and killed many people. 

What features of feudalism existed in both Japan and Europe?

 Landowners protected peasants for a share of their crops, and they had warriors to protect them


What is a "manor"?

A large estate owned by a lord, including farmland and a village.


 What right did the Magna Carta require the king to recognize?

The right to trial by jury


What were canals and how did they effect the economy?

Canals are man-made waterways that allow boats and ships to transport goods and people. They boosted trade and helped the economy grow.


How did the Black Death change society in Medieval Europe?

It empowered surviving peasants and disrupted the social order, leading to conflict between lords and serfs.


How did Confucianism change the status of women in Japan?

Women were expected to obey their fathers and husbands and no longer headed clans.


Why were manors important for medieval communities?

They provided everything needed for daily life, making communities self-sufficient.


How did the Magna Carta change the power of the king?

It made it clear that the king had to follow the law, just like everyone else.


What are expanding industries and how did they effect the economy? 

Expanding industries are businesses that make things, such as clothes, dishes, and tools. Expanding industries increased trade and prosperity.


What was one major effect of the Black Death on the manor system?

It helped to end the manor system by giving peasants more power and rights.


How did Chinese philosophies spread and influence later cultures?

Japan adopted and changed parts of Buddhism.

The Silk Road facilitated the exchange of ideas and philosophies, leading to the integration of Chinese thought.

Chinese Philosophies spread through trade routes


 How did living and working on the manor provide economic protection for peasants

It ensured they had food and shelter in exchange for their labor.
