The discoveries this group of people made during the Renaissance heavily inspired the Scientific Revolution.
This scientists developed three specific laws to explain the motion of objects.
Isaac Newton
What did Montesquieu discover/believe as he traveled around Europe to study various governments?
Other governments were antiquated and "weird."
(Extra 50 points if you mentioned that this was hypocritical.)
The United States of America is an Indirect Democracy, which means...
There is a buffer/middle-ground between the common people (voters) and the changes that are made in the government.
It is commonly believed that Newton created the Law of Gravitation after what experience?
An apple falling on his head from a tree above.
Pre-Modern scholars relied on the Catholic Church for answers, while Modern scholars began to develop their own __________________ to test ideas and theories.
This scientists developed the Laws of Planetary Motion, explaining how planets move around the sun.
Johannes Kepler
What did John Locke identify as the three "unalienable" rights.
Life, Liberty, & Property
What is ironic about the ideas of "social contract" and "consent of the governed?"
Nobody literally gives verbal or written consent to be governed when they are born; it is simply an understood/implied expectation as citizens.
Finish the statement: According to Thomas Hobbes, absolute sovereignty is a necessary evil...
"To avoid absolute anarchy."
Kepler added to Copernicus's theory of heliocentrism by also explaining what about each planet?
Each planet rotates on its own axis while orbiting the sun.
This person was essentially the "teacher's pet" to the Catholic Church during the Scientific Revolution.
The Father of Capitalism is known as...
Adam Smith
Capitalism AND entrepreneurism are best defined as...
Capitalism: A free market economic system that allows people to (mostly) decide what to do with the money they make.
Entrepreneurism: The act of owning a business.
If I slide my phone across a table, in addition to the force I am exerting, what is the force being exerted by the table?
Galileo discovered that planets were made up of "matter," which is best defined as...
Anything that has mass and takes up space.
This scientist developed a step by step process for scientists to follow when conducting experiments.
Francis Bacon
Rene Descartes had the somewhat controversial opinion that...
EVERYTHING must be questioned or doubted.
Why is the United States considered pseudo (false) Laissez Faire system?
The United States government is not fully hands-off for business; there are still regulations put into place.
When your parents or school bus driver has to slam on brakes, your body lurching forward is a perfect demonstration of...
Isaac Newton's 1st Law (the Law of Inertia)
This step-by-step process has become the standard procedure for reaching scientific conclusions.
The Scientific Method
Although they may be outdated today, this scientist published his findings about space in a book known as "The Starry Messenger."
This French philosopher felt that a direct democracy was the only true form of Democracy.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
In the United States, how do we ensure that one "part" of the government does not have too much control?
Separation of Powers/Checks & Balances: The US government has three different branches (Executive, Legislative, Judicial) that must work together.
A society without rules and expectations would simply be a state of _______.