What portion of the earth can be used to grow food? (expressed in a fraction)
What province produces the most lumber?
British Columbia
What type of fish got King Henry VII interested in North America's resources?
(*hint: this fish is used a lot in fish and chips)
How is oil formed?
Dead plants and animals sink to bottom of the seabed or into the ground, dead remnants get covered with mud, more sediment creates pressure over time, compressing the dead material and changing it into oil.
What does NAFTA stand for?
North American Free Trade Agreement
Why do we build our cities over the best agricultural land?
Agriculture thrives in ideal conditions. Vegetables, plants, flowers, are all living things that require certain conditions to both survive and grow. Human beings, as living creatures, require similar conditions for survival. Thus, ideal farm land is also ideally suited to human comfort.
What's the difference between coniferous forests and deciduous forests?
Coniferous Forest = trees with needles, i.e. pine
Deciduous / Broadleaf Forest = change colour in the
autumn, shed their leaves, fresh foliage come spring
What area of Canada is known for its ideal fishing grounds? And where is it located?
"The Grand Banks" - off the coast of Newfoundland
What province produces the most oil in Canada?
What's the difference between a "basic" job and a "non-basic" job?
Basic Job - a job that brings money into an economy from somewhere else
Non-basic Job - a job which circulates money that is already in an economy
How many classes of land quality are there? Which classes are considered good enough for growing commercial crops?
7 classes - classes 1-4 are good enough for commercial crops
What are the 3 ways to harvest (i.e. cut down) trees? Provide a brief explanation for each.
clear cutting = large areas of forests are cut down
shelterwood logging = patches of forest are cut down
selective cutting = mature trees are selected to be cut and younger trees left to grow
What type of fishers catch the most fish...IN-SHORE or OFF-SHORE?
In-shore = 10% fish caught
Off-shore = 90% fish caught
Canada is the world production leader of what mineral?
Potash = a potassium-rich salt
Describe TWO(2) benefits to entering into trade agreements with other countries?
- lower tariffs
- lower prices for consumers (i.e. more competition)
- greater variety of products
- greater export revenue
Explain the difference between INTENSIVE and EXTENSIVE farming and provide an example for each.
intensive - small areas of land, requires large amounts of labour, located near large urban areas
ex) dairy
extensive - large areas of land, requires small amounts of labour, produces product for export
ex) wheat
Name THREE (3) factors that negatively affect forests and the forestry industry.
Fire, Disease, Soil Erosion, Water Pollution, Human Activity
What are the three types of fish that we fish for?
*Bonus (double points): Give an example of each
ground fish - live / feed on or near the bottom of seas or lakes
ex) cod, haddock, pollack, flounder
pelagic fish - neither close to the bottom nor near the shore
ex) salmon, tuna, Atlantic herring
shellfish - exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates
ex) shrimp, crab, lobster
What are the THREE(3) types of mining? Which is the most expensive to build/use?
Strip Mining
Open Pit Ming
Shaft Mining *most expensive
Which sector of industry are people in DEVELOPING countries most-likely to work in?
Which country is the largest producer of milk/dairy?
How has forestry changed from the PRE-INDUSTRIAL to the MODERN era? Discuss TWO(2) significant changes.
Pre-Industrial = logging mostly done in winter; logs transported by men, animals, and water; trees cut using axes
Modern = year-round activity; logs transported by road, rail, and waterway; power tools & heavy machinery
What are the three ways to catch fish?
Purse Seining - Circling fish with large weighted net and pulling them in
Gill Netting - net is dragged behind ship or left in place with anchors, fish get tangled in net
Otter Trawling - bag-shaped net dragged on ocean floor
What are the Alberta Tar Sands? Why are they such a controversial issue?
Answers will vary.
What are the 5 levels of industry? Provide a brief explanation for each
Primary = extract/produce raw materials
Secondary = manufacturing & processing
Tertiary = Service Industries
Quaternary = information industries
Quinary = decision making processes, government