What are polyunsaturated fat sources?
Plant material. (Nuts, vegetable oils, avocados, etc)
What is the difference between acute muscle soreness and DOMS?
Acute muscle soreness = Presents immediately after workout and lasts a few hours
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)= Occurs 24 to 72 hours after workout (peaks at 48 hours) and is an INFLAMMATORY reaction
What's the difference between the fight-flight-freeze response and the rest & digest response?
FFF = response to stress/injury
R&D = stage our body is in while resting & not undergoing stress
What is the difference between waking & sleeping?
Both are normal states of consciousness.
Waking: Aware of external stimuli
Sleeping: Reduced awareness of external stimuli
Define the term "independence" as it relates to relationships.
Sign of a HEALTHY relationship.
"You have space to be yourself outside of the relationship "
Explain the difference between a complete and an incomplete protein
Complete = has ALL essential amino acids (animal products)
Incomplete = has only SOME essential amino acids (plant sources)
Explain/describe the anaerobic energy stores.
Muscles are provided 15 to 120 seconds worth of energy in a process of breaking down ready to use glucose (carbs). This process DOES NOT require oxygen
What is an example of a small stressor?
Taking a test, asking someone on a date, preparing for the big game, etc.
What is melatonin?
A hormone released in our brain that is released in the evenings and initiates sleep by causing drowsiness
Define the term "equality" as it pertains to relationships
Sign of a HEALTHY relationship
The relationship feels balanced and everyone puts the same effort into the success of the relationship.
What's the difference between an HDL and an LDL?
HDL = GOOD. Prevents cholesterol from building up in arteries (found in plant products)
LDL = BAD. Allows cholesterol to build up in arteries (found in animal products)
What effects does exercise have on the cardiovascular system?
Decrease your heart rate
Decrease your blood pressure
Allow maintenance of healthy HR and BP
What is an example of a large stressor?
Life changing injury, sexual assault, experiencing war/battle firsthand, parental divorce, the unexpected death of a loved one
REM sleep
Define the term "guilting" as it pertains to relationships.
This is a sign of an UNHEALTHY relationship.
When someone makes you feel responsible for their actions or makes you feel like it’s your job to keep them happy.
What's the best way to know if you are drinking enough water?
Urine is light yellow/clear
List a few benefits children & adolescents can experience when following a resistance training program.
Improve coordination
Emphasizes normal growth & development
Decreases rate of musculoskeletal injuries
Addresses/corrects levels of childhood obesity
Builds bone mineral density (BMD)
Internal: Self-generated; within your control
External: outside of your control
How is sleep linked to memory?
During sleep, our brain processes information that we collected while we were awake
It packages memories to either store or throw out
Define the term "intensity" as it pertains to relationships.
Sign of UNHEALTHY relationship
When someone expresses very extreme feelings and over-the-top behavior that feels overwhelming.
How can a vegetarian ensure they eat enough essential amino acids?
Explain how muscle hypertrophy occurs.
Exercise causes microtears. These microtears are repaired & this creates an increase in muscle size & muscle strength.
Best way to increase muscle size? Resistance training.
What are muscle relaxation techniques?
Stress management tool where you tighten and then relax various parts of your body.
What is the recommended amount of sleep for a preschool aged child (3-5 years)?
10-13 hours within 24 hour timeframe
1 in 4 people.