The freedom to decide when and how to act
Free Will
Human Rights
The basic rights that all people have
What Sacrament can forgive mortal sins?
Penance and Reconciliation
What is a word that means how we honor, love, and respect God's name?
A less serious sin that hurts a person's friendship with God
venial sin
Turning to God with our whole heart
What are the Theological Virtues?
What day of the week is the Lord's Day?
the ability to think, understand, and make judgements
Moral Law
God's wisdom within each person that helps us know what is right and wrong
What is a word meaning courage?
How should you celebrate the Lord's Day?
By going to Mass and resting and relaxing
the forgiveness of sins and the restoring of friendship with God
the teachings of Jesus that describe how to live as his disciples
What is at the heart of our worship?
Why is there unhappiness, pain, and suffering, in the world?
Original Sin
a very serious sin that breaks a person's friendship with God
mortal sin
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord
What does it mean to wrongly desire something that belongs to someone else?
What is sanctifying grace?
Sanctifying Grace is the gift of sharing in God's life, given in Baptism, that heals us and strengthens us to be holy.