Animal Welfare
Economic Impact
Current Trends
Dog Breed ID
Animal Management Practices

What is animal welfare? 

*hint* The opposite of animal rights

What is the humane care and treatment of


What is one of the most
important agricultural industries in the
The United States?

*Hint* It is something that everyone loves to eat

What is Beef


True or False: The food animal industry
continues to evolve

*Hint* Think about how things have changed from then to now

What is true 


This is the smallest dog breed

*Hint* It belongs in the toy dog group

What is Chihuahuas


Which of the follwing is used in biotechnology? 

1. Cloning
2. Feeding GMOs in animals’ diets
3. Genetic engineering
4. Transgenics

*Hint* It's more than one

What is 1,2,3, and 4


True or False: Do pet owners and consumers care more about animal production and care?

*Hint* Is it important to care about animals

What is True 


What percent of  the number of hog farms in the U.S. has declined since the 1990s

*Hint* It's over 50%

What is 70%


There is a decrease in what kind of food consumption?

*Hint* It's a food some people cannot eat 

What is beef


What is the biggest dog?

*Hint* It belongs in the working dog's group

What is great dane


Supplemental use of hormones in food animals is not used in what?

*Hint* It's one of the animal industries

What is poultry 


What year was the Health Research Extension Act passed?

*Hint* It was passed after the 1900s

What is 1985


How many jobs does the U.S industry provide?

*Hint* It's over 100,000

What is over 1.3 million


There is an increase in what kind of food consumption?

*Hint* It's a food from both land and water animals 

What is poultry and fish


Dogs are known to have evolved from what species?

*Hint* think about the  species that are similar to dogs

What is wolfs 


Caged layers and Gestation crates are examples of what? 

*Hint* Think about different ways to cage animals

What is confinement housing in concentrated
animal feeding operations


Why is the Health Research Extension Act a good thing? 

*Hint* How does it benefit animals

What is it sets standards for the care of animals


What industry is the world's largest producer of poultry meat?

*Hint* It's the place we live in

What is the U.S poultry industry


What is one of the major things that make up specialty diets in pet food?

*Hint* Think about the way certain people spoil and change up their pets diets

What is either one
1. Fresh ingredients
2. Superfoods
3. WholeGrains


What dog am I? A short-coated dog characterized by a wide skull, powerful jaws, and a muscular, stocky body

*Hint* This dog breed is known as the most dangerous breed

What is pit bulls


What is electric collar use?

*Hint* Think about the way they're used on dogs

What is to train dogs from doing bag behaviors 


True or false: Has the Animal Welfare Act been revised many times?

*Hint* The most recent revision was in 2008 

What is True 


What fractions of all U.S. households own at least one pet?

*Hint* its over half

What is 2/3 


What is cross-breeding?

*Hint* Think about all the unique farm animals and pets.

What is the mating of animals from different breeds


What dog am I? Short black muzzle and a tightly curled tail with a large head and droopy ears

*Hint* This dog breed belongs to the toy group

What is Pugs


List 3 ways physical alteration is used on animals 

*Hint* Think of some ways animals' legs, paws, and heads can be changed. 

What is either one is the correct answer

1.  Beak trimming
2. Declawing
3. Devocalization
4. Dehorning
5. Ear cropping
6. Hot-iron branding
7. Tail docking
