What class owned lands, protected the peasants, and swore fealty to the King?
The Nobility
What is the Muslim place of worship?
What style was used before Gothic style?
What is one of the predecessors of the Romanesque style?
Paleochristian or Asturian
What event interrupted the population growth of Europe in Medieval times?
The Black Plague.
Abbots, Bishops, and Archbishops are all parts of which group?
High Clergy
Which 3 groups in Al-Andalus are not Muslims?
Christians, Jews, and slaves
What type of structure is the Gothic style known for?
What support structure did Romanesque architecture use?
What did artisans of the same trade organize into?
Which group of people were tied to the land they worked, and even their kids could not leave?
Which 3 groups in Al-Andalus are Muslim?
Arabs, Berbers, and converts
What type of glass did Gothic cathedrals use in their windows?
Stained glass.
What was the main purpose of Romanesque Art?
To teach the illiterate masses about Jesus Christ and the bible
What is the professional career of an artisan?
Apprentice --> Journeyman--> Master
The city of Toledo was conquered in which century?
What school was the nexus of 3 cultures?
The Toledo School of Translators
What structure did Gothic style use to support the buildings?
Flying buttresses and detached buttresses
What church had to build more space due to the large increase in the amount of pilgrims every year.
The Church of Camino de Santiago
What were the two main commercial routes between Muslims and Christians?
The Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean
Tithe, usually 10% of their income
What is the name of the very decorated part of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca
The Mihrab
What is the name of the non-religious sculptures commonly added to the sides of Gothic buildings
What is the name of the art style that shows the 4 gospels in animal form?
What was an invention/innovation that helped increase crop yield?
The moldboard plow, the water wheel, or triennial crop rotation.