The 20s
The Great Depression
The New Deal
Racism and Xenophobia

Definition of a Flapper

Young woman pushing against social norms by cutting their hair short, changing their style, dancing in speakeasies, drinking alcohol, smoking, changing what it meant to be a traditional woman


Definition of a Hooverville/Hoover blanket, and why they were called this. 

A shantytown for homeless people, and "blankets" that consisted of newspapers or cardboard. Homeless/poor people blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression and their economic problems.


The 3 R's of the New Deal 

Relief, recovery, reform


Definition of Nativism

A form of Nationalism which included the belief that America was superior to any other country, and any "outsiders" should be punished/outcast


One cause of prohibition

Domestic abuse with drunk husbands, increased morality/religion, improved health, improved behavior and poverty


The Harlem Renaissance and why it was important

A cultural revolution for African Americans based in Harlem, New York. Developed new literature, music, poetry, art, etc. that was centered around the African American experience. Important because this was the first time that black Americans had the opportunity to express themselves/adopt an identity

The political party of President Herbert Hoover, and how his actions impacted the public's perspective of this party. 

Republican - people began blaming the three most recent republican Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover) and their Laissez Faire/hands off government policies for the massive economic issues. (Led to FDR becoming President - he was seen as a change) 


Issues that Conservatives had with FDR and his New Deal programs

The Executive Branch/FDR was abusing its powers and overstepping the other branches of government (Congress)


Definition of the Red Scare/what it led to. 

Anti-Communism panic/hysteria and the belief that the Communist party would spread to America and overtake the Democratic system. Led to Americans turning on each other/accusing anyone based on little or no evidence. 


3 types of people the KKK targeted during the 1920s

Immigrants, African Americans, Catholics, Jews, anyone who was not like them

Definition of "Return to Normalcy", and who introduced it 

A return to the ways of American before the Progressive Era (return to the Gilded Age), low government interference in business, and laissez faire economics. President Warren Harding introduced this term. 


The main issue that caused the economy to be unsound, and later be part of the reasoning for the Great Depression

Buying on credit/installment plans. People bought more than they could afford, and when it was time to pay these plans off, they did not have the money. Led to a sudden drop in consumerism, a slowing of the economy, and widespread debt. 


FDR's suggestion for the Supreme Court 

Pack the court - add 6 new judges who would not strike down his New Deal programs/question the legality of them

What were immigration quotas and who did they target 

Limited the number of immigrants into the United States. Targeted Eastern European countries due to their close proximity to the USSR (Communist) 


2 ways the lives of women changed during the 1920s 

1.) Easier access to birth control - smaller families

2.) More women were getting jobs and not only being mothers/homemakers

3.) Casual dating for women became more normalized

4.) Flappers changed attitudes and perceptions of women 

5.) Smoking and drinking became more common for women


3 effects of Prohibition

1.) Increased rates of organized crime

2.) Increased bribery of politicians and police officers to ignore illegal use of alcohol

3.) Speakeasies became extremely popular as places for people to drink socially 

4.) Deaths increased as a result of bootleg moonshiners/homemade alcohol that included chemicals 

5.) Alcohol prices skyrocketed as it was so hard to find


Definitions of bank runs/run on banks

American investors ran to banks/the stock market to pull their money out due to panic that their money might be gone. Banks did not have the money to pay everyone back at once, and this forced many banks to shut down and average citizens to lose all of their savings. 


Definition of Keynesian Economics

Government should help economic issues within the country by spending money to support citizens, create infrastructure and programs, provide services to people, and create jobs/wages through investments


3 causes of the Tulsa race massacre

1.) Greenwood (the black community in Tulsa) was fairly wealthy/prosperous and was nicknamed Black Wall Street.

2.) Increased issues between the relationships with whites and blacks across the country 

3.) A resurgence of the KKK that was more widespread and normalized

4.) Elevator situation between a black man and a white woman 

5.) Race riots/unjustified murders of blacks across the country


How Herbert Hoover believed that America should deal with the Great Depression

People should rely on volunteerism, individualism, charity, and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps to help themselves out of their problems - it wasn't the government's job to solve the problems.


What was the Scopes Trial and Fundamentalism

The Scopes Trial - John Scopes was a science teacher in Tennessee, where teaching evolution was banned. He taught it anyway and was arrested for it. The trial focused on the debate between science and religion

Fundamentalism - An extreme form of Christianity that focused on the literal interpretation of the Bible and stated that all knowledge that is necessary can be found in it. (Not found in science)


3 main causes of the Dust Bowl

Poor farming practices, overproduction on farming lands, and a years-long drought that affected a large region. 


The New Deal program that created millions of jobs nation-wide and played a key role in recovery for America. 

Works Progress Administration (WPA)


Who were Sacco and Vanzetti, what were they accused of, why were they accused of it, what happened to them, and what came as a result of it. 

Two Italian immigrants and anarchists who were accused of robbing a bank and killing the security guard. They were convicted with no hard evidence and sentenced to death via the electric chair. Led to widespread American and international protests over American treatment of immigrants/prejudice within the country.

What was the Bonus Army, what were they requesting, what happened to them, and what was the outcome of the situation

1.) A group of WWI veterans who were promised a payment that was to be given in 1948

2.) They requested this payment early, as many of them were homeless and jobless during the Great Depression

3.) They created a Hooverville in Washington D.C. and Herbert Hoover forced them to leave. They were sprayed with tear gas and shot at

4.) Hoover lost almost all respect from Americans after his terrible treatment of American veterans
