Are reptiles oviparous or viviparous?
Reptiles are oviparous.
Are amphibians oviparous or viviparous?
Amphibians are oviparous.
Are mammals oviparous or viviparous?
Mammals are viviparous.
How many legs and wings do birds have?
Birds have two wings and two legs.
Are fish oviparous or viviparous?
Fish are oviparous.
Which reptile has no legs and moves by slithering on the floor?
Snakes are reptiles that have no legs and move by slithering on the floor.
Can you name one Amphibian?
An example of Amphibians are Salamanders, Frogs, and Axolotl.
How many legs do mammals usually have?
Mammals usually have 4 legs.
Can you think of one bird?
Examples of birds are Penguins, Pigeons, Flamingos, Eagles.
What are fish covered in?
Fish are covered in scales.
Can you think of one reptile?
An example of reptiles are snakes, crocodiles, and turtles.
Do amphibians have wet or dry skin?
Amphibians have wet skin.
Are Mammlas vertebrate or invertebrate?
Mammals are vertebrates.
What do birds have on their body to help them fly?
Birds have feathers on their bodies to help them fly.
Can you think of one fish?
Examples of fish are Salmon, Tuna, Sun Fish, and Angler fish.
Are reptiles vertebrate or invertebrate?
Reptiles are vertebrates.
True or false: Amphibians have hair on their body?
False, Amphibians do not have hair on their body.
What do mammals have growing on their body? Hint: it grows from our head!
Are birds oviparous or viviparous?
Birds are oviparous.
True or false: There are only freshwater fish?
False! There are both fresh water and salt water fish.
What kind of skin do reptiles have?
Reptiles have thick skin and scales.
True or false: Amphibians breathe through their gills when they are young, and lungs when they become adults.
True: Amphibians do breathe through their gills when they are young, and lungs when they become adults.
How do mammals produce food for their babies?
Mammals that are mothers produce milk for their babies to drink.
Are birds vertebrate or invertebrate?
Birds are vertebrates.
Fish have ____ to help them swim and a ____ to help them steer and balance?
Fish have fins to help them swim and a tail to help them steer and balance.