The colonists fought alongside this country?
What is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
This founding father wrote was responsible for writing the Constitution.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The signing of a historic document took place on July 4, 1776.
What is the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
This amendments protects you from unlawful search and seizure.
What is the 4th amendment?
The Native Americans fought alongside this country.
What is France?
This was the first act put in place by King George in 1764.
The U.S. Constitution contains how many amendments.
What is 27 amendments?
This event took place in Boston on March 5, 1770.
What is the Boston Massacre?
This amendment entitles you to a speedy trial with a judge and jury of your peers.
What is the 6th amendment?
The war ended with the signing of this treaty.
What is the Treaty of Paris 1763?
This founding father signed his name so big to make sure that King George could see it without needing to wear glasses.
The U.S. Constitution replaced this document.
What are the Articles of Confederation?
What is the First Continental Congress?
This amendment protects you from having to house soliders in your home.
What is the 3rd amendment?
The French lost all of their land in this area except for a small portion located in the very northern part.
What is North America?
The Stamp Act placed a tax on almost all of this type of material.
What is printed material?
The first section (sentence) of the U.S. Constitution.
In April 1775 the "shot heard around the world" took place in this battle.
What is Lexington and Concord?
This amendment states that "Powers not given to the federal government belong to the states."
What is the 10th amendment?
An additional perspective that we've discussed in class during this time is that of this company.
What is the Ohio company?
This patriot wrote the book entitled Common Sense.
Who is Thomas Paine?
The first nine words of the U.S. Constitution.
What is "We the People of the United States of America?"
This final major battle of the American Revolution was fought in September 1781.
What is the Battle of Yorktown?
This amendment protects citizens from cruel and unusual punishment and unreasonable bail.
What is the 8th amendment?