What are 2 ways synthetic materials impact us?
1. Pollution
2. Can be east to by because it is cheap
Where do natural mateials come from?
the earth!
What is a renewable resource?
It can be used over and over again.
what is a non-renewable resource?
it takes a long time to form
Where is it stored?
in aquifers!
List example of a synthetic material?
Plastic, Polyester, Nylon
What are examples of a natural material?
cotton, animals, water, food
does it run out?
what are some examples of a non renewable resource?
coal, oil/petroleum, natural gas, uranium
can be both! why?
What can we use synthetic materials for?
Make toys, packaging, bottles, medicine , clothing
What can we use natural materials for?
clothing, blankets, food:milk,meat, leather
what are some examples?
water, soil, wind, solar energy
does it run out?
how do we remove groundwater?
By pumping or digging wells
What needs to happen for a synthetic material to occur?
A chemical reaction!
why are natural materials good for us?
does not use chemicals
do we have natural resources all around the world?
what are fossil fuels?
coal, oil, natural gas!
if we remove, too much groundwater what can happen
we run out!