This drug caused multiple wars in China
What is OPIUM
Name a Country that boarders China
(Just 1)
North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, OR Vietnam
Led the Cultural Revolution.
Who is Mao Zedong?
Individual Beliefs that Motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior.
What are values
A Chinese minority group
Who are the Uyghurs?
Why did the British destroy China during the Opium Wars?
<>Better Weapons
<>Better Navy
The Capital City of China
What is Beijing
Mao Zedong's failed policy prior to the Cultural Revolution.
What is the Great Leap Forward?
Devotion and loyalty to family is called
Filial Piety
Events which occurred at a protest in China
<> Millions of people attended
<>A man stood down a line of tanks
<>Government wont release information
<>Government Censors don't allow discussion of this event
What is the Tiananmen Square Massacre?
This event lead to the Century of Humiliation.
What is the Opium War?
A desert in China
Gobi OR Taklimakan
What government structure does China use?
What is communism
Famous, wise teacher in ancient China that taught that the good of the group is more important than the individual. A religion or belief system was based on his teachings.
Why did China start the One Child Policy?
Over Population
The British wanted access to Chinese Tea.
What is a CAUSE of the Opium Wars?
The Majority of Chinese Population Live here
What is Eastern China
Mao knew people were upset and questioning him because the Great Leap Forward failed.
What is an CAUSE of the Cultural Revolution?
A cultural philosophy that values the group or community more than your own wants and needs.
Collectivism / Collectivist Culture
What is one EFFECT of censorship in China
Sites are blocked, People use VPNs
The people don't have a voice
Why did China NOT want Opium?
It caused their society to collapse
People on drugs are not effective workers
A collectivist culture wouldn't perform well with only half the population
How did China's geography impact its development in ancient times?
Anything connected to old Chinese culture was destroyed, and intellectuals were targeted by Red Guards.
What is an EFFECT of the Cultural Revolution
Name one religion currently practiced in China (not Confucianism).
Atheism, Buddhism, Islam, and a little bit of Christianity
List some examples of Modern Oppression in China
Up to 500 Points (100 points per answer)
<>The government limits internet access
<>No Freedom of Speech
<>Journalists are not able to Freely report on issues
<>Government censors anti-communist thinkers
<>LOTS of government surveillance