Central Idea
Text Structure
Author's Purpose
Ethos, Pathos, Logos

How do you find the central idea of a passage/text?

Find the topic

find the details 

find the central idea


What's the text structure?

An ocelot is an animal from the cat family that lives in South America, Central America, and South Texas. Ocelots are nocturnal; they like to spend their days sleeping in bushes and fields. Their coats allow them to blend in. The ocelot earned the nickname “ghost cat” for the ability to camouflage. At one time, coats made from ocelot furs sold for as much as 40,000 dollars. The species, however, is in decline, and it is no longer legal to bring ocelots or their skins into the US.



A speech written by a member of the debate team in preparation for the school debate.


Which rehtorical appeal is used in the following paragraph? (ethos, pathos, or logos)

"White men say that Indians were always fighting. It was only our lack of skill in white man’s warfare that led to our defeat."- The First Americans



What kind of reasoning is this?

general + general = specific



"We sang songs that carried in their melodies all the sounds of nature— the running of waters, the sighing of winds, and the calls of the animals. Teach these to your children that they may come to love nature as we love it. " - The First Americans

Teach the children about nature, like the Native Americans. 


What is the text structure?

Monkeys and apes are both primates, but they are different scientifically. Most monkeys have tails, and are built for life in trees. A monkey’s face is built around the shape of its skull. Apes, on the other hand, have flattened faces, with forward-pointing eyes. Apes do not have tails. They tend to live on the ground. An ape uses it fore limbs for locomotion. Apes have a larger brain case; they are thought to be more intelligent than monkeys. These primates actually have a lot in common, though. One striking commonality for monkeys and apes is the social behavior. Although many animal species live solitary lives, primates generally live in groups.  

compare and contrast


A textbook explaining the mathematical steps to solve an equation.



Which rhetorical appeal is used in the following paragraph? (ethos, pathos, logos)

"An Indian mother prayed that her boy be a great medicine man rather than a great warrior." -The First Americans



what kind of reasoning is this?

specific+ specific= general 



"Tell your children of the friendly acts of Indians to the white people who first settled here. Tell them of our leaders and heroes and their deeds. Tell them of Indians such as Black Partridge, Shabbona and others who many times saved the people of Chicago at great danger to themselves. Put in your history books the Indian’s part in the World War. Tell how the Indian fought for a country of which he was not a citizen, for a flag to which he had no claim, and for a people that have treated him unjustly. " - The First Americans

Tell your children about the friendly acts of Native Americans to the white people.

What's the text structure?

Following World  War I, the government of Australia    promised assistance to returning soldiers to take    up wheat farming in Australia. Large numbers of soldiers agreed and set up farms. Unfortunately for   the soldiers, the migration of as many as 20,000     emus had a peculiar effect on the wheat crops. Emus  found the farm’s water and cleared land a satisfactory habitat, and consumed and spoiled    their crops. Farm land was devastated.The farmers asked the government for help. Soldiers with machine guns were deployed to combat the emus.    As a result, the "Emu War" began. However, the    war was short lived.Machine guns proved to be no  match for the emus.

cause and effect


A cookbook filled with recipes from around the world.



Which rhetorical appeal is used in the following paragraph? (ethos, pathos, logos)

"White men called Indians thieves—and yet we lived in frail skin lodges and needed no locks or iron bars. White men call Indians savages. What is civilization? Its marks are a noble religion and philosophy, original arts, stirring music, rich history and legend. We had these. Then we were not savages, but a civilized race." -The First Americans



What kind of reasoning is this?

general observation+ background knowledge= reasonable conclusion



"We cannot improve on the system of government handed down to us by the founders of the Republic. There is no way to improve upon that. But what we can do is to find new ways to implement that system and realize our destiny. "- Barbara Jordan

We cannot improve the past, but we can change the future. 


What is the text structure?

How do you challenge a grizzly bear? With enrichment. Zoo animals need both physical and mental stimulation. One way animal care specialists are able to provide stimulation is through enrichment. Large leather balls, cinnamon aroma, rope puzzles are what zookeepers call “enrichment.” They provide great excitement for exotic animals every day. Meals are hidden in baskets for the Capuchin monkey. The Nile Crocodile is thrown a heavy, large ball to nose around his exhibit. And the grizzly bear? He gets “fish-sicles,” buckets of frozen water that contain a fishy treat! Enrichment is a great solution to combat boredom at the zoo.



An article written to convince the reader that hybrid cars are more efficient than gas powered cars.



What is the rhetorical appeal of the following paragraph? (ethos, pathos, logos)

"You tell all white men “America First.” We believe in that. We are the only ones, truly, that are 100 percent. We therefore ask you while you are teaching school children about America First, teach them truth about the First Americans."- The First Americans



What type of reasoning is used in the following excerpt?

"I, Barbara Jordan am a keynote speaker.

A lot of years have passed since 1832, and during that time it would have been most unusual for any political party to ask a Barbara Jordan to deliver a keynote address. But tonight, here I am. And I feel notwithstanding the past that my presence here is one additional bit of evidence that the American Dream need not forever be deferred."



"Let there be no illusions about the difficulty of forming this kind of a national community. It's tough, difficult, not easy. But a spirit of harmony will survive in America only if each of us remembers that we share a common destiny; if each of us remembers, when self-interest and bitterness seem to prevail, that we share a common destiny."- Barbara Jordan

We can achieve our goal of forming a national community if we work together in harmony. 


What is the text structure?

Can’t get your parents to let you have a pet rat? Try out these compelling reasons. First, a rat does not require a lengthy commitment. Its lifespan is less than five years. Second, rats are quiet animals. Some pets such as birds are excessively noisy; this is not a problem with a pet rat. Further, parents may think that rats spread the Bubonic Plague. In truth, fleas were the culprits to spreading disease. Diseased fleas could have just as easily been a guest on a dog or a cat. Finally, rats are easily trained. A pet rat will happily sit on it owner’s shoulder. These are just a few reasons that may prompt parents to keep an open mind when they visit the pet store. Parents may find themselves pleasantly surprised by a domestic rat’s great qualities!



A poem filled with figurative language creating the image of a morning sunrise.



What is the following rhetorical appeal? (ethos, pathos, logos)

"We sang songs that carried in their melodies all the sounds of nature— the running of waters, the sighing of winds, and the calls of the animals. Teach these to your children that they may come to love nature as we love it." -The First Americans



What type of reasoning is used in the following excerpt?

"A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good. A government is invigorated when each one of us is willing to participate in shaping the future of this nation. In this election year, we must define the "common good" and begin again to shape a common future. Let each person do his or her part. If one citizen is unwilling to participate, all of us are going to suffer. For the American idea, though it is shared by all of us, is realized in each one of us." 

deductive reasoning
