Constitutional Compromises
Articles & Amendments
Federalism & Federalists
Information Introduced now, but We'll Revisit in Future Units

 This concept stops any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What are Checks & Balances?


The name of the nation's first attempt at a constitution.

What are the Articles of Confederation?

This constitutional principle divides powers between the state and national governments

What is Federalism?


He is considered to be the "Father of our Country" and was unanimously elected as our first chief executive.

Who is George Washington?


The length of service for a United States Senator.

What is Six Years?


This created a bicameral legislature in which representation in the House of Representatives was based proportionally on the number of people who lived in each state, while representation in the Senate was distributed equally among all states.

What is the Connecticut Compromise/Great Compromise?


the BIGGEST fear of the founding fathers when they set up the Articles of Confederation.

What is tyrannical (or too powerful) government?


 This document has the highest level of legal authority according to the “supremacy” clause.

What is the U.S. Constitution?


This Document said that citizens have the ability to abolish or rebel against an abusive government.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This branch has the ability to declare war.

What is the Legislative Branch? 


The constitutional principle that is reflected in how power and duties are split between the three different branches of government.

What are separation of powers?


The total number of amendments in the Constitution, and how many are in the Bill of Rights.

What are 27 & 10?


This early group Represented wealthy, urban interests arguing that centralized government protected trade, debts, and the stability of the young country. 

Who are the Federalists?


These are the first three words of the Constitution's Preamble. 

What is "We The People"?


Sara is suing her former best friend Janice for $900. Sara claims that Janice borrowed the money for car repairs but Janice has failed to repay the money claiming she can’t find adequate work. Janice admits to borrowing the money; however, she can’t afford to pay it back.  This amendment would allow Sara her day in court.

What is the 7th Amendment? 


These three branches are responsible for Creating laws, Enforcing Laws, and Interpreting Laws, respectively. 

What are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches? (In that order, plz)


This list would represent some of their concerns about the country's new governing document:

  • Worried a strong central government would not respect individual and local rights

  • Bill of Rights: list of guaranteed individual and local freedoms; made ratification of the constitution possible

  • Didn't want to lose slavery or be beholden to cities or big states

  • Thought states could take better care of their needs than Federal gov't because a smaller gov can be more responsive

  • Afraid of high taxes and felt a strong central government is a threat to our liberties

Who were the Anti-Federalists?


This figure was the most influential Federalist leader who did NOT go on to serve as a United States President.

Who is Alexander Hamilton? 


These are THREE concepts laid out in the Articles of the Constitution.

What are _____ (answers vary)? 

ARTICLE I - Establishes the Legislative Branch (House of Representatives and the Senate).

ARTICLE II - Establishes the Executive Branch (headed by the President).

ARTICLE III - Establishes the Judicial Branch (a system of courts and judges).

ARTICLE IV - Establishes the relationship between the states and the federal government. Describes how to admit new states to the Union.

ARTICLE V - Describes how to amend the Constitution.

ARTICLE VI - Establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the USA. Authorizes the national debt (Congress can borrow money). Public officials must take an oath to support the Constitution.

ARTICLE VII - Lists the requirements for ratification of the Constitution.


This incident demonstrated that under the Articles of Confederation the central government could not protect the citizenry from armed rebellion.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


These are at least FIVE protections people have in the Bill of Rights. 

What are _______________________ (answers vary)?

Freedom of expression

Freedom of assembly

Freedom to petition

Freedom of the press

Freedom of religion

Right to bear arms

quartering of soldiers 

unreasonable searches and seizures 

eminent domain

rights of the accused…

due process

no double-jeopardy

self-incrimination (“right to remain silent”)

trial by jury in criminal cases

right to trial by jury in civil cases

no excessive bail, fines, and cruel & unusual punishments

natural rights/powers of the people are guaranteed

rights of the states are protected


After proposal and approval from 2/3rds of Congress or 2/3rds of the states at national convention, One of these second steps can get a constitutional amendment ratified.

What are 3/4ths of State Legislatures ratifying it or 3/4ths of State Conventions ratifying it?


This is how the power of the national government is limited by the Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

What are reserved powers for the states (and their people)?


These are TWO examples of power EXCLUSIVE to states instead of the Federal Government.

What are ___________________ + ______________? (Answers vary) 

- Issuing licenses

- Establishing local governments

- conducting elections

- establishing public schools

- regulating alcohol 


A man suspected of a violent crime is brought in to the police station. The alleged victim picks him out of a lineup as the man who attacked her. Police inform him that he has the right to refuse to answer questions, but they do not offer to let him speak to a lawyer. After being questioned for two hours, the man admits to the crime. This 5th amendment concept has been violated for the accused.

What is Due Process?
