Sectionalism 1
Who supported Slavery? A. Northeast B. West C. South
What is B, South Bonus: Why did each area support or not support slavery
True or False: Florida was taken over by the USA from Spain in a war.
What is False. Bonus: How did the USA gain Florida from Spain? and What military leader was involved?
Rewarding Political Supporters with government jobs including presidential cabinet positions. A. Squatter B. Spoils System C. Sectionalism D. Inflation
What is B. Spoils system. Bonus: What president began this system? Bonus: Define the other 3 terms
Eventually after the "Era of Good Feeling" ended, two political parties again came to be. Name them. A. Republicans and Democrats B. Democrats and Federalists C. Republicans and Whigs D. Democrats and Whigs
What is D. Democrats and Whigs Bonus: Supporters of what president started the Democratic Party? Supporters of what president started the Whig Party?
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1781 to 1835, whose influence strengthened national government during this period. A. James Monroe B. Daniel Webster C. John Marshall D. Andrew Jackson
Who is C. John Marshall. What were John Marshall's two important accomplishments during his term as Chief Justice?
What were the 4 major issues of the day that took the USA from an "Era of Good Feelings" to strong "Sectionalism"? (Multiple Select) A. the National Bank B. the Spoils System C. Internal Improvements D. Abortion E. Separation of Church and State F. the Tariff G. Slavery H. World Peace
What are A, C, F, G.
Which of the following is NOT one of the four main points of the Monroe Doctrine? A. USA would not take part in foreign wars. B. USA would not interfere with any existing European Countries C. The American continent could not be further colonized by any European countries D. Further European attempts to colonized would be considered a threat to America. E. European countries were not to ally themselves with Indian tribes.
What is E. European countries were not to ally themselves with Indian tribes. Bonus: What did Europe think of the Monroe Doctrine?
Speculation is similar in meaning to A. Visiting B. Gambling C. Watching D. Conquering
What is B. gambling Bonus: What was being Speculated or Gambled on?
What was not a cause of the "Panic" or Economic Depression of 1819? A. Postwar British competition B. Excessive spending on Internal Improvements C. Recovery of European agriculture D. Land speculation
What is B.Excessive spending on Internal Improvements
President during the "Era of Good Feelings" A. James Madison B. James Monroe C. John Quincy Adams D. Andrew Jackson
Who is B. James Monroe Bonus: What are some reasons this nickname was given?
Which sections supported the Tariff? A. Northeast B. South C. West
What is A Northeast. Bonus why did each section support or not support the tariff?
Which of the following was NOT a reason for western expansion? A. Good Transportation B. Cheap fertile Land C. Indian Hostilities had been crushed for the moment
What is A. Good Transportation. Bonus: Why was this so important? Bonus: What improvement project helped this situation?
The state banks were known as the ______ and the national bank was known as the _______. A. Monster, Wildcat B. Wildcat, Monster
What is B. Wildcat, Monster Bonus: Why?
Agreement creating an imaginary line drawn at the 36th parallel, dividing future slave states from future free states. A. Monroe Doctrine B. Sectionalism C. Missouri Compromise D. Louisiana Purchase
What is C. Missouri Compromise Bonus Questions: What brought about the Louisiana Purchase and how was that resolved? Bonus: Who came up with this compromise?
Persuaded the New York state legislature to authorize the building of a canal between the Hudson River and Lake Erie. A. Daniel Webster B. John C. Calhoun C. James Madison D. DeWitt Clinton
Who is D. DeWitt Clinton Bonus: Name 3 facts about this canal.
The national bank was favored by the A. Northeast B. South C. West (may be multiple answers)
What is A, and C Bonus: Why did the Northeast support the national bank? Bonus: When did the West stop supporting the bank and why?
Which of the following are true of Jackson's Presidency? A. He was the first president to come from humble origins. B. He greatly increased the right to vote (suffrage) C. Started the Spoils system and also the unofficial "kitchen cabinet" D. All of the above.
What is D. All of the above.
To make void is to A. Inflate B. Nullify C. Speculate D. Squat
B. Nullify. Bonus: Did Andrew Jackson allow the South to nullify the Tariff?
The Tariff of 1816 resolved what issue? A. Flood of American Market with cheap British goods. B. Change in opinion about the importance of American Manufacturing C. Inability of American Manufacturers to compete with British Prices. D. All of the Above
What is D. All of the above. Bonus Question: Who was originally for and against this tariff and why?
President elected in 1828 who was known as a champion of the common people and acted to initiated the spoils system. A. James Madison B. James Monroe C. John Quincy Adams D. Andrew Jackson
Who is D. Andrew Jackson.
Who supported Internal Improvements (such as roadways, canals, etc.) A. Northeast B. South C. West
What is B, and C. Bonus: Why did each area support or not support internal improvement?
What was Jackson's policy on Indians? A. He risked political failure to help them. B. He knew the law but didn't back it up. C. He fought against Indian rights. D. Indian rights never came up during his presidency.
What is B. Bonus: What Indian rights issue came up during his presidency?
What is a sharp increase in prices? A. Inflation B. Speculation C. Wildcat Bank D. Spoils System
What is A. Inflation
President after Martin Van Buren? A. William Henry Harrison B. John Tyler
What is A. William Henry Harrison Bonus: How did John Tyler come to the presidency?
President after Andrew Jackson? A. Martin Van Buren B. William Henry Harrison
Who is A. Martin Van Buren