Rock Cycle
Plate Tectonics
Plate Boundaries

What are the 3 Layers of the Earth looking at the composition model? (A, B, C) What are their properties?

A. Crust - thinnest and least dense

B. Mantle- thickest layer

C. Core- hottest most dense layer


What is the name is the name of the scale used to test a minerals hardness, or ability to resist being scratched, rated from 1-10?

The Mohs Hardness Scale

1 is the softest- Talc can be scratched with your fingernail

10 is the hardest- Diamond's can only be scratched by another diamond


What are the 3 types of rock?

Igneous- volcanic rock; intrusive (cooled magma inside the Earth) and extrusive (cooled lava that is on the crust)

Sedimentary- sediments or little pieces of rocks, sand, and fossils packed together

Metamorphic- Rock that is changing form from high temperature and pressure


Tectonic plates are formed by the lithosphere being broken apart like a puzzle. The lithosphere is made up of crust and the upper mantle. What are the 2 types of crust and the 2 types of plates they form?

Continental crust forms continental plates that make up continents or landmasses and oceanic plates

Oceanic crust forms oceanic plates that make up the ocean/sea floor 


Boundaries are areas where tectonic plates meet. What are the 3 types of plate boundaries?

Convergent- where plates collide as they move towards each other

Divergent- where plates divide as they are pulled apart from each other

Transform- where plates horizontally slide past one another 


What are the 5 Layers of the Earth looking at the Structural Model? (V, W, X, Y, Z) What are their properties?

V. Lithosphere- made up of Continental and Oceanic Crust and the upper mantle (tectonic Plates)

W. Asthenosphere- "Plastic solid layer" where Convection currents move tectonic plates

X. Mesosphere- Middle layer where magma is formed

Y. Outer Core- mostly liquid layer

Z. Inner Core- Solid, densest, hottest layer


Which property is this mineral being tested for?

It's hardness, or ability to resist being scratched. 

Would the clear mineral be harder or softer than the green mineral?


What is the rock cycle? Can rocks turn into multiple kinds of rocks or is there just one path they follow?

The rock cycle is the process that makes rocks change from one type to another as they are created, changed, destroyed, and reformed again. Rocks can take multiple pathways and turn into every rock type under the right conditions: melting and cooling (igneous) , weathering and erosion (sediment), compaction and cementation (sedimentary), and heat and pressure (metamorphic)


Which crust type is younger and more dense? (continental or oceanic) Which plate would be subducted (sinks) in the subduction zone?

Oceanic crust is the younger crust, as new sea floor is made and it is more densely packed because the water pressing down on it.

Since oceanic crust and the plates they form are more dense, they are subducted or sink under continental plates


When 2 continental plates collide in a convergent boundary, what happens?

They squeeze together and form a mountain!


What happens to the Heat and Pressure as you travel towards the inner core?

Both heat and pressure increase, so each layer gets hotter and has more pressure pushing down; this is also why the inner core is solid!


Which physical property are these minerals being tested for?

Their Streak, or the color they leave behind on a steak plate as they are softer than the streak plate so the mineral is in powdered form (like using chalk on a chalkboard)


What process forms sedimentary rocks? What are sediments?

Sedimentary rocks are formed as other rock types are subjected to weather and erosion, wearing them down into sediments or little pieces of rock, sand, and fossils that gets moved, compacted, and cemented together


What is Pangea?

The name of the supercontinent landmass that existed millions of years ago before the continents started drifting apart from one another to where they are today


What happens as 2 oceanic plates diverge?

The ocean floor opens up allowing magma to leak out of the mantle that becomes new seafloor as the plates spread apart. This creates a mid-ocean ridge where the youngest rocks and crust are formed


How do we know the Earth has layers if we have only traveled about 7 miles into the Earth's crust?

The information we have concerning the interior of the Earth comes to us from studying seismic waves.

Seismic waves are waves of energy caused by Earthquakes.

Seismic waves travel through different material at different rates. When seismic waves change direction or speed, it means they have moved through different layers that have different composition.


What's the difference in the physical property of cleavage vs fracture?

Cleavage is where a mineral splits along a flat smooth surfaces, giving different faces or sides to the mineral; cleavage means to split

Fracture is the manner in which a mineral breaks apart along an irregular surface; to fracture mean to break. This breaking can be a smooth curved break, an irregular sharp break 


Igneous rocks (volcanic) start the rock cycle as magma or lava (molten rock) cools and hardens. How can igneous rock be turned into another igneous rock, a metamorphic rock, and a sedimentary rock?

Igneous rock and be remelted and cooled to turn into another igneous rock

Igneous rock can be put under heat and pressure to turn into a metamorphic rock

Igneous rock can be subjected to weathering and erosion to be turned into sediment that gets deposited, compacted, and cemented together to form sedimentary rock


Who is Alfred Wegner, and what did he tell us about the world millions of years ago? What evidence did he use?

The German meteorologist that proposed the theory of continental drift that all the continents were once a giant landmass connected together that have drifted apart slowly over time. 

He used fossils, climate, and the shape and structure of the land forms to show how the continents were once positioned together like a giant puzzle


At what boundary do the most Earthquakes occur at?

Transform boundaries! They can happen at any boundary, but they mostly occur in transform boundaries as plates slide past one another
