David was hiding here when he saw Saul.
What is the back of a cave?
Nabal's men were doing this when David's messengers showed up?
What is shearing sheep?
Samson's special purpose was this.
The walls of this city were broken and the people were in trouble.
What is Jerusalem?
This was Nehemiah's official job.
What is cupbearer to the king?
David did this to Saul's robe.
What is cut off the end of it?
Nabal's men did this when David's men asked for food.
What is treated them unkindly and did not give them food?
An angel told Samson's parents to not do this.
What is cut his hair?
Nehemiah asked this person to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall.
Who is King Artaxerxes?
The wall in Jerusalem took this many days to rebuild.
What is 52 days?
Saul was God's chosen _____________
What is king?
David planned to do this to Nabal when Nabal treated his men harshly.
What is attack and get revenge?
Samson lost this because he disobeyed God.
What is his strength?
Nehemiah's enemies did this to him.
What is make fun of him and tried to hurt him?
Samson fell in love with this person.
Who is Delilah?
David promised this to Saul.
What is that he would not harm any of his family?
Abigail did this to stop David's attack.
What is brought food and begged David to listen?
Samson made this collapse with this.
Nehemiah and the people did this when they heard about the attack on the city.
What is prayed?
This person was the wise wife of Nabal.
David only took part of Saul's robe when he could have done this to Saul.
What is killed him?
Abigail found out about what Nabal did because of this.
What is one of the workers told her?
The Philistines offered Delilah this to know about Samson's strength.
What is silver?
Nehemiah and the people finished the wall with this person's help.
Who is God?
King Saul took this many soldiers to hunt for David.
What is 3000?