Expression + ing
Expressing contrast
Connectives to show results

I am a sequence of steps, a set of rules to follow,
I solve problems and puzzles, making solutions easy to swallow.
I'm used in programming, in math, and in science too,
Without me, tasks would be chaotic, with no clue.

What am I?




I enjoy ________ books in my free time.
a) read
b) reading
c) to read
d) reads

b) reading


The weather was cold, _______ we still went camping.
a) so
b) but
c) or
d) and

b) but


She worked hard, _______ she achieved excellent results.
a) Despite
b) but
c) however
d) so

d) so


He failed to submit the assignment on time. ___________, his grade was significantly affected.

Select one:

a. as a consequently

b. Consequently

c. So that

b. Consequently 


I'm a record of your digital past,
Every website visited, unsurpassed.
From articles read to videos watched,
In this log, your online journey is etched.

What am I?


B_ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ i _ _ _ _ _

Browsing history


They are interested in ________ a new language.

a) learn

b) to learn

c) learning

d) learns

c) learning


_______ the difficult circumstances, they managed to succeed.
a) Despite
b) Instead
c) Furthermore
d) Moreover

a) Despite


He practiced every day, _______ he became a skilled musician.
a) so
b) although
c) instead
d) despite

a) so


She suggested ________ a movie tonight.
a) watch
b) watching
c) to watch
d) watches

b) watching


I am a document that tells your tale,
Listing your skills and experiences without fail.
I showcase your achievements and education,
Highlighting your qualifications for any vocation.

What am I?


R _ _ _ _ _



They avoid ________ fast food.

a) eating

b) eat

c) to eat

d) eats

a) eating


He is a great athlete, _______ he doesn't enjoy sports.
a) but
b) so
c) or
d) yet

a) but


The car broke down on the way. _______, they had to call for roadside assistance.

Select one:

a. As a result that

b. Thus

c. So that

b. Thus


I am a vital part of any team,
Working together, we make things gleam.
From nine to five, we give our best,
Contributing to success with every test.

Some of us lead, others follow,
In different roles, we all wallow.
From the front lines to the back,
Our collective efforts never lack.

We come in different shapes and sizes,
With diverse skills and surprises.
Some crunch numbers, others create,
Each of us has a unique trait.

We collaborate, communicate,
To achieve goals, we never hesitate.
In the workplace, we're a valuable asset,
Without us, progress would be a threat.

What are we?


E _ _ _ _ _ _ es



I'm a space where opinions reside,
Where like-minded voices coincide.
In this chamber, thoughts bounce and repeat,
Diverse perspectives, it does not meet.

What am I?


E _ _ _     _ _ a _ _ _ _

 echo chamber


Fill in the blank:

They are tired of ________ the same thing every day.

word + ing

e.g., doing, eating ... 


_______ the difficult conditions, they managed to complete the project on time.
a) Despite
b) Instead
c) Furthermore
d) Moreover

a) Despite


Fill in the blanks:

They invested in new technology. ____________ , their productivity increased significantly.

Select one:

a. So that

b. So the result

c. Therefore

c. Therefore


________ studying all night, he couldn't remember the answer to the question.

Select one:

a. Despite

b. Nevertheless

c. However

a. Despite


I'm a virtual world where connections are made,
Status updates and likes, a digital parade.
Scrolling through feeds, endless information flow,
Can you solve this riddle about where people go?

What am I?

Social media


Which of the following sentences are expression + ing: Can be more than one answer

a) I remember going to that concert last year.

b) I was sleeping last night.

c) Its no good shouting at him - He's deaf

d) There is no denying that he is foolish.

e) I am eating rice with chicken curry.  

a) I remember going to that concert last year.

c) Its no good shouting at him - He's deaf

d) There is no denying that he is foolish.



Which of the following sentences are expressing contrast:

a) Although he is wealthy, he lives a simple lifestyle.

b) She loves sweets, but she tries to eat healthy.

c) He is tall, yet he is also kind.

d) Despite the challenges, they never gave up.

e) The sky is blue, and the grass is green.

a) Although he is wealthy, he lives a simple lifestyle.

b) She loves sweets, but she tries to eat healthy.

d) Despite the challenges, they never gave up.


Determine whether the following statement is a sentence showing result or not.

The restaurant received great reviews, so it became a popular dining destination.

Select one:





I am a process that's smart and swift,
Performing tasks with a helpful lift.
I work tirelessly, day and night,
Completing work with speed and might.

I automate tasks, both big and small,
Saving time and effort for all.
From factories to offices wide,
I streamline processes with great pride.

I can assemble, sort, and pack,
Performing duties with great knack.
With precision and accuracy,
I bring efficiency effortlessly.

What am I?

