what is the vibration of the earth produced by a rapid release of energy within the lithosphere
fossils, rock, plants
what are the particles produced in volcanic eruptions
pyroclastic materials
what is any change in the original shape and/or size of a rock body
what is the deepest ocean trench
mariana trench
what are the two major types of seismic waves
p waves and s waves
who hypothesized continental drift
Alfred Wegener
what is the long belt of volcanoes that circles much of the Pacific Ocean
ring of fire
what are the 3 types of stress that plate boundaries can experience
Tensional Stress
Compressional Stress
Shear Stress
How many oceans are there on Earth?
what is an instrument that records seismic waves
what is the Big Issue with Wegener's hypothesis
no mechanism to describe the drift
name the three volcano types
Shield Volcanoes
Cinder Cones
Composite Cones
which type of mountains form where two or more tectonic plates are pushed together
fold mountains
what is the fastest animal on the planet
peregrine falcon
what is the phenomenon where soil suddenly turns into liquid
provide two pieces of evidence that support the idea of sea-floor spreading
magnetic strips in ocean-floor rock, earthquake patterns, and measurements of ocean-floor rock
what is the lens-shaped pluton that has pushed the overlying rock layers upward
which type of fault movement is parallel and horizontal (also the most destructive)
strike-slip fault
What is the largest island in the world?
what is the tendency for the deformed rock along a fault to spring back after an earthquake
elastic rebound
what are the three types of plate boundaries, and describe the movement for each one
Divergent Boundaries – Move apart
Convergent Boundaries – Move together
Transform fault Boundaries – Grind past each other
which type of volcano is large, nearly symmetrical, and an accumulation of lava and pyroclastic deposits
Composite cones (stratovolcanoes)
Convergence of two plate edges of oceanic lithosphere mainly produces what type of mountains
volcanic mountains
Which Dr. Seuss book contains the quote, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not"?