Which of the following is a factor of 16?
5,6,7, or 8?
What is 8
Fill in the blank:
7 x 6 = 20 + ____
What is 22.
34 x 6
36 ÷ 6
What is 6.
What word do we use when ADDING?
EX: Finding the ______
What is SUM.
Find the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of 14 and 28.
What is 7.
What symbol belongs in the middle?
5 x 7 ___ 30 + 6
What is ≠.
54 x 32
50 ÷ 5
What is 10.
What word do we use when SUBTRACTING?
EX: Finding the ______
What are all the factors of 18?
What symbol belongs in the middle?
6 x 3 ___ 23 - 5
What is =.
63 x 45
What is 2,835.
618 ÷ 2
What word do we use when MULTIPLYING?
EX: Finding the ______
What is PRODUCT.
Which of the following is a common factor of 28 & 35?
4,5,7, or 14?
What is 7.
Fill in the blank.
___ + 6 = 7 x 8
What is 50.
732 x 29
What is 14,000.
135 ÷ 3
What is 45.
What word do we use when DIVIDING?
EX: Finding the ______
What are ALL the factors of 32?
What is 1,2,4,8,16.
Fill in the blank:
10 x 10 = ____ - 5
What is 100.
96 x 87
What is 8,352.
781 ÷ 4
What is 195 r1.
Write 234,671 in word form.