George Washington asked to be referred to by this phrase
Mr. President
The Jay Treaty was meant to stop this action of the British (but didn't)
The First President of the United States
George Washington
Action by the British that involved kidnapping American sailors against their will and a direct cause of the War of 1812
This political party ceased to exist after the War of 1812 as they were considered cowards
The Federalist Party
George Washington served this number of terms
This Act was designed to keep American citizens from complaining about the government (really the Federalists only)
The Sedition Act of 1798
The Second President of the United States
John Adams
This event was a cause of the British defeat in the War of 1812
The American Navy winning control of the Great Lakes
Anti-Federalists became this political party and were Strict Constructionists
George Washington wanted to maintain this in relation of foreign affairs
This Act made it more difficult for immigrants to become citizens of the United States
The Alien Act
Secretary of Treasury for George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
President Washington led soldiers in Pennsylvania to stop this event
Whiskey Rebellion
Thomas Jefferson was concerned about purchasing the Louisiana Territory because of this
The Constitution does not say the government can buy land
George Washington had is cabinet composed of this
The passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts made this person VERY unpopular
John Adams
Secretary of State for George Washington and Third President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
Tecumseh called his government that united smaller tribes against a common enemy this
This principle resulted from the Marbury v Madison Supreme Court case
Judicial Review
George Washington did this when he decided to not run for president again
Peaceful Transition of Power
The Embargo Act of 1807 was enacted for this reason
To protest British and French actions in capturing American ships
Fourth President of the United States and President during the War of 1812
James Madison
Increased Nationalism, Manufacturing, and Native Americans loosing land all were results of this event
The War of 1812
Alexander Hamilton proposed this (controversial) idea to help the financial position of the United States
National Bank