"The Raven"
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"
"The Masque of the Red Death"
"Young Goodman Brown"
This is the time period of American Dark Romantic and Anti-Transcendental Literature
What is the 1800's?
The setting of "The Raven" is
What is a cold winter night?
The major discovery in Dr. Heidegger's experiment
What is the Fountain of Youth?
The plague in the story would a. cause a person's teeth to fall out b. make families argue about politics c. kill a person within one hour d. go away easily with an antibiotic
What is kill a person within one hour?
The name of Young Goodman Brown's wife
What is Faith?
One common subject of American Dark Romantic Literature is
What are poems about lost love and unfulfilled dreams?
The author of "The Raven" is
Who is Poe?
The one thing Dr. Heidegger's three male friends have in common
What is that they all like the Widow Wycherly?
Prince Prospero plans to deal with the Red Death (the plague) by this strategy
What is isolate himself from the sick, poor people?
The time of day that Young Goodman Brown left his house to go into the forest
What is sunset?
These types of writings are what American Dark Romantic Literature mostly consists of
What are poems and short stories?
The narrator of "The Raven" tries to do all of the following things EXCEPT: A. have a logical conversation with the raven B. kill the raven C. make the raven leave his house D. befriend the raven
What is kill the raven?
Widow Wycherly's main interest as she first begins to change is
What is look at herself as a young person in the mirror
As an example of allegory, the Red Death in the story is portrayed as which object
What is a mysterious guest at a party?
The group of people to which Hawthorne alludes in "Young Goodman Brown" (Hint: we read about these people in Unit 1)
Who are the Puritans?
All of the following events had a big effect on American Dark Romantic Literature EXCEPT... A. the Trail of Tears B. the secession of states C. the Boston Massacre D. the last days of slavery
What is the Boston Massacre?
We know all of the following about Lenore in "The Raven" EXCEPT A. her importance to the narrator B. her former presence in the narrator's house C. that she dies D. the cause of her death
What is the cause of her death?
All of the following are conflicts present in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" EXCEPT A. people greedily wanting more and more B. people unintentionally ruining their discovery C. a doctor plotting to kill his enemies D. men fighting over a woman
What is a doctor plotting to kill his enemies?
At the end of the story ____________ dies
What is everyone?
Young Goodman Brown is surprised to see this person in the forest, since he thought he left her at home
Who is his wife? (or Faith)
The Dark Romantic writer whose ancestors were involved in the Salem Witch Trials is
Who is Nathaniel Hawthorne?
The raven says that the narrator will be happy when
When is never?
All of the following element of Dark Romanticism are present in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" EXCEPT a. an unattainable dream b. mysterious elements of the supernatural c. emotions guiding people to negative outcomes d. the Devil claiming souls
What is the Devil claiming souls?
When a piece of literature has two meanings, and many objects in the story represent abstract ideas, we use this term
What is allegory?
When Young Goodman Brown tells the devil that "Faith kept me back a while," what could he mean besides his wife holding him back?
What is his religious faith or faith in God?