Roaring 20s
More Roaring 20s
Great Depression
The New Deal
This legislation signed in 1917 by President Wilson helped accomplish the goal of enlarging our armed forces for the The Great War.
What is The Selective Service Act.
This artistic place contributed to the music publishing industry being in New York City.
What is Tin Pan Alley
This production method was the foundation to the explosion of the automobile.
What is the assembly line.
Often called "black blizzards", this debilitating event was the cause of millions moving to California.
What is the Dust Bowl.
This famous lady was appointed to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt.
This distinguished soldier ensured troops were properly trained before being deployed to the trenches in Europe.
Who is General John J. Pershing
The population of cities like Chicago & Cleveland drastically increased because of this major geographic relocation.
What is The Great Migration
While many Americans were experiencing prosperity in the 1920s, individuals in this occupation mostly experienced hard times due to overproduction.
Who are farmers.
The "neighborhoods" where many victims of the The Great Depression lived were called
What are Hoovervilles.
The New Deal program that was created to prevent fraud and guard against abuses in the stock market
What is the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Some say this act violated the First Amendment. Others say it was necessary to maintain positive morale for the troops in The Great War.
What is the Espionage Act of
Prestigious women such as Frances Willard and religious organizations were instrumental of the passage of this highly contentious amendment.
What is the 18th Amendment
This individual was the prosecuting attorney for a highly publicized case that was an example of the conflict between modernism and traditionalism.
Who is William Jennings Bryan.
The United States deported several nationalities, but especially those individuals from Mexico due to this legislation
What is the Mexican Repatriation Act.
Some say that FDR's court-packing scheme would violate this fundamental practice provided for in the U.S. Constitution.
What is checks and balances.
In 1918, Sherri Sistrunk is a very active part of the Socialist Party. She is soon arrested and ultimately convicted. Which was she found guild of committing? A. Convicted under the Espionage Act for helping recruit African American students to the Army and Navy B. Convicted of violating the Sedition Act
What is 'B'....convicted of violating the Sedition Act.
This energetic group boldly challenged the status quo in looks, dress, and overall tradition.
Who are Flappers.
Seedy characters like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Bumpy Johnson became very active in their criminal deeds during this time period due to this movement.
What is Prohibition.
There was a decline in international trade primarily because the three Republican Presidents continued impose this
What is a high tariff.
By implementing this legislation, FDR made the government responsible (in part) for the people's economic well-being for generations to come
What is the Social Security Act of 1935.
This hard fought battle brought Germany to its knees and shortly after the Germans surrendered.
What is The Battle of Argonne Forest.
Social Darwinists believe different human races compete for survival just as different plants and animals did in the natural world. This belief is closely related to what racist belief? Who was the leading supporter of this racist theory?
What is Eugenics. Who is Charles Davenport.
Countee Cullen, Zora Neale Hurston, and a certain Jamaican-born activist were key characters during this era.
What is the Harlem Renaissance.
Purchasing stock by placing a percentage down and paying the remainder over a period of time is called
What is Buying on Margin.
The latest technology at that time was used by the Commander-in-Chief to reassure Americans of national recovery by broadcasting these speeches
What are Fireside Chats.