Early Review
Sectional Differences
Ending Reconstruction

How did the Magna Carta affect political life in the British colonies in North America?

Colonists knew that there were limits to the king’s authority


As the United States acquired more land between 1803 and 1850, controversy over these territories focused on the

expansion of slavery


In the period before the Civil War, the principle of popular sovereignty meant that whether or not a territory allowed slavery would be left up to

voting for territorial legislatures- the people


Why did the South secede from the Union following the election of 1860?

they believed their rights to slavery would soon be taken away by the newly elected president


                The cartoon refers to which of the following?

Northerners who relocated to the South after the Civil War


“I think Sir that the first maxim [saying] of a man who loves liberty should be, never to grant to Rulers an atom of power that is not most clearly & indispensably necessary for the safety and well being of Society….”

                                                                                          --Richard Henry Lee, 1785


Which ideal expressed in Lee’s statement can also be found in the Declaration of Independence?

rulers can abuse their power


Which segment of the U.S. population would have been MOST supportive of the Tariff of 1828?

What was John C. Calhoun's opinion on the tariff? 

Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British imports.

He is against the tariff as it does not benefit the South


Who has Harriet Beecher Stowe?

Abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin


During the Civil War how can the Northern economy be characterized?

increased industrialization


The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the U.S. by which of the following?

ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865


"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; . . ."


This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence were reflections of the philosophies of:

European Enlightenment, Holy Roman Empire, or Spanish colonial governments in North America?

reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment


What effect did the system of sharecropping have on the South after the Civil War?

It kept formerly enslaved persons economically disadvantaged


In the early 19th century which groups of people were most likely to immigrate into the United States?

Irish and German


What was significant about the Emancipation Proclamation?

It freed slaves only in areas of rebellion against the Union but not in those states who remained loyal


The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to

make rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states


Although the Three-Fifths Compromise helped Northern and Southern states reach an agreement that allowed for ratification of the Constitution, in the long run it had a negative effect on the nation because

it was only a temporary solution to the argument between “free” and “slave” states


Which statement best summarizes the beliefs of Booker T. Washington? WEB Dubois? Ida B. Wells?

Booker T. Washington- gradual justice, through education

WEB DuBois-immediate, through politics and workforce 

Ida B. Wells- anti-lynching campaigns 


"Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri To Enter Union" (1820)
"California Admitted to Union as Free State" (1850)
"Kansas-Nebraska Act Sets Up Popular Sovereignty" (1854)

(3.1)“What issue is reflected in the above headlines?

extension of slavery 


The Union capture of Vicksburg was strategically important because it

gave the North control over the Mississippi River


Which of the following best describes the activities of the Freedmen’s Bureau?

it was a first large-scale federal welfare program in the U.S., assisting both blacks and whites


Why was the victory at Saratoga so important to the Patriot cause?

It convinced France to help the colonies in their struggle


What is being described by the term American System?

A three-tiered program to promote America’s home markets.


“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.”-Abraham Lincoln 1858


According to this quotation, Abraham Lincoln believed that

sectional differences threatened to destroy the Union


The battle that allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation was



The Jim Crow laws, upheld by the Supreme Court in Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), provided for

separate public facilities based on race
