Founding America
Laws & Conflicts
Expansion & Foreign Policies
Movements & Reforms
Wars & Battles

Who was the first President of the United States?

Who is George Washington? 

  • Which term describes the British policy of forcing American sailors to work on British ships?

    • A. Piracy

    • B. Smuggling

    • C. Impressment

    • D. Hijacking

What is C. Impressment

  • What was the major cause of the War of 1812?

    • A. British attack on Washington D.C.

    • B. British harassment of American shipping

    • C. British ban on American trade in the Caribbean

    • D. British aid to Native Americans

What is B. British harassment of American shipping

  • Which movement was most associated with outlawing alcohol?

    • A. Abolitionist Movement

    • B. Women’s Suffrage

    • C. Public School Reform

    • D. Temperance Movement

What is D. Temperance Movement

  • Which major battle did Andrew Jackson win during the War of 1812?

    • A. Battle of Saratoga

    • B. Battle of New Orleans

    • C. Battle of Tippecanoe

    • D. Battle of Yorktown

What is B. Battle of New Orleans


What did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?

  • A. Immigration quotas

  • B. Becoming permanently allied with foreign powers

  • C. Passing high tariffs to control imports

  • D. Expanding westward into lands claimed by others

What is becoming permanently allied with foreign powers?

  • The Alien and Sedition Acts restricted:

    • A. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure

    • B. The right to bear arms and to a jury trial

    • C. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press

    • D. The right of women to vote and hold office

What is C. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press

  • Who led the expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory?

    • A. Andrew Jackson

    • B. Zebulon Pike

    • C. Lewis and Clark

    • D. John Adams

What is C. Lewis and Clark

  • What was the primary focus of the abolition movement?

    • A. Expanding U.S. territory

    • B. Ending slavery

    • C. Securing voting rights for women

    • D. Creating public schools

What is B. Ending Slavery

  • Which treaty ended the War of 1812?

    • A. Treaty of Paris

    • B. Treaty of Versailles

    • C. Treaty of Ghent

    • D. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What is C. Treaty of Ghent


What was the significance of the Election of 1800?

  • A. It led to the end of slavery

  • B. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties

  • C. It led to the War of 1812

  • D. It signified stability through a peaceful transfer of power between political parties

What is D. It signified stability through a peaceful transfer of power between political parties

  • Which Supreme Court decision established Judicial Review?

    • A. Plessy v. Ferguson

    • B. Marbury v. Madison

    • C. Worcester v. Georgia

    • D. Tinker v. Des Moines

What is B. Marbury v. Madison

  • Which major land acquisition doubled the size of the U.S. in 1803?

    • A. Treaty of Paris

    • B. Treaty of Ghent

    • C. Louisiana Purchase

    • D. Mexican Cession

What is C. Louisiana Purchase

  • What reform is Horace Mann known for?

    • A. Abolition

    • B. Education reform

    • C. Prison reform

    • D. Temperance

What is B. Education Reform

  • Which war was caused by British harassment of American ships and aid to Native Americans?

    • A. Mexican-American War

    • B. War of 1812

    • C. Civil War

    • D. American Revolution

What is B. War of 1812

  •  Which political party was founded by Alexander Hamilton?

    • A. Democratic-Republican Party

    • B. Whig Party

    • C. Federalist Party

    • D. Anti-Federalist Party

What is C. Federalist Party

  • What event during John Adams' presidency was caused by French officials demanding a bribe?

    • A. Chesapeake and Leopard incidents

    • B. Alien & Sedition Acts

    • C. XYZ Affair

    • D. Embargo Act

What is C. XYZ Affair

  • What was the main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

    • A. Promote U.S. trade in China

    • B. Prevent European expansion in the Americas

    • C. Support U.S. expansion into Asia

    • D. End European colonization in Southeast Asia

What is B. Prevent European expansion in the Americas

  • Which movement met at the Seneca Falls Convention?

    • A. Temperance

    • B. Women’s Rights

    • C. Abolition

    • D. Education Reform

What is B. Women's Rights

  • Which event refers to the forced removal of the Cherokee from their land?

    • A. Nullification Crisis

    • B. Trail of Tears

    • C. Black Hawk War

    • D. Indian Removal Act

What is B. Trail of Tears

  • What was a direct result of Washington’s use of force in the Whiskey Rebellion?

    • A. It weakened the federal government’s authority

    • B. It confirmed the authority of the federal government

    • C. Western farmers voted for John Adams

    • D. Many western farmers immigrated to Canada

What is B? It confirmed the authority of the federal government

  • What was the outcome of the Nullification Crisis?

    • A. Jackson’s attempt to abolish slavery in the South failed

    • B. Whether slavery would be allowed in the West was decided

    • C. Tension between states' rights and federal power led to South Carolina trying to nullify federal tariffs

    • D. It led to war with Mexico

What is 

  • C. Tension between states' rights and federal power led to South Carolina trying to nullify federal tariffs

  • What major foreign policy success is referenced in this quote?

    • “You have secured to us the free navigation of the Mississippi...”

    • A. Mexican Cession

    • B. Purchase of the Louisiana Territory

    • C. Black Hawk War

    • D. War of 1812

  • What is B. Purchase of the Louisana Territory

  • What was the result of early prison reform efforts in the 19th century?

    • A. Expansion of slavery in southern states

    • B. Improved prison conditions and rehabilitation programs

    • C. The abolition of prisons in the North

    • D. No significant changes were made

What is B. Improved prison conditions and rehabilitation programs

  •  What was the significance of the Spoils System under Andrew Jackson?

    • A. Appointing educated officials to government jobs

    • B. Appointing loyal political supporters to government positions

    • C. Expanding the number of civil servants

    • D. Creating merit-based positions

What is B. Appointing loyal political supporters to government positions
