This land purchase doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
This compromise successfully established Nebraska and Kansas as states, and allowed them to vote on slavery (popular sovereignty)
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law, which effectively led to this event.
What is the Trail of Tears?
This invention during the industrial revolution increased the use of slavery.
What is the Cotton Gin?
This region's economy is based in agriculture and plantations.
What is the South?
This was the belief that it was Americans' God Given right to expand west.
What is Manifest Destiny?
What is the Compromise of 1850?
This was the nickname for Andrew Jackson.
What is 'Hero of the Common Man'?
This war was fought over land; specifically, boundary lines.
What is the 'Mexican American War"
This region's economy is based in cattle, mining, and small farms.
What is 'The West"?
This land was annexed through a joint resolution of Congress.
What is Texas?
This event was caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
What is "Bleeding Kansas"?
This was one of Jackson's ideas under the 'Jacksonian Democracy' that gave his supporters more of a say in government.
What is 'Expanded suffrage rights'?
This is what the United States declared itself under the Monroe Doctrine.
What is 'Protector of the Western Hemisphere'?
This region's economy is based in manufacturing and business.
What is 'the North'?
This land was added through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
What is the Mexican Cession?
These were the terms of the Missouri Compromise.
1. Missouri is a free state
2. Maine is a slave state
3. Missouri Compromise is established (36, 30 - nothing above this line can be a slave state)
What is 'National Bank'?
Henry Clay's American System benefitted everyone EXCEPT this region.
Who is 'the South'?
This is the definition of Sectionalism.
What is 'believing the interests of your STATE/REGION are more important than the NATION'S interests"
This land was given through a treaty with Britain; it is the most Northwestern part of the U.S.
What is the Oregon Territory?
These are the 4 parts of the Compromise of 1850.
1. California is a free state
2. Utah and New Mexico vote on slavery
3. D.C. Slave Trade is abolished
4. Fugitive Slave law is added and strengthened
This was the problem that led to Jackson's SC Nullification Crisis.
What is 'Tariff Acts were passed, SC thought it was unconstitutional and decided to nullify the law'?
This is the importance of Worcester v. Georgia.
What is...
- Only the Federal Government can make decisions about Native Americans
- Native Americans are a separate political entity
This court case increased tensions between the North and South, and expanded the influence of slavery.
What is 'Dred Scott v. Sanford'?