A type of programme where people compete and can win prizes or money
game show
The music that is used in a film or a series.
when something doesn't make any sense or is difficult to understand (matoucí)
This word is a synonym of "rude" - somebody who never says "hello" or "thank you"
This is odd ... Choose a number between 1 and 10.
Odd number - add two zeros to it and gain that amount of points.
Even number - add two zeros to it and lose that amount of points.
A type of programme when we follow lives of real people, like Love Island or the Kardashians.
reality show
a film with lot of blood or people being agressive and hurting each other (násilný)
Can you name two adjectives starting with the prefix "UN-"
your answer
for example: unhappy, unkind, unbelievable, unsafe ...
Heads or tails?
heads = you lose 200 points
tails = you gain 200 points
A short comedy series, like the Friends or Big Bang Theory
The tricks and illusions used in a movie or a series, can be created on a computer. For example in the movie Avatar.
special effects
a film that makes us cry (dojemný)
moving / touching
This word can describe somebody that never tells the truth and often lies.
Sadly it blew away all your points
soap opera
the written text of a film or series that the actors have to learn
a TV series that is so interesting we watch all the episodes in one day (chytlavý)
Can you name two adjectives starting with the prefix "IN-"
your answers
for example: independent, incorrect, invisible, informal
Have you been paying attention? How many minutes have we been playing this game?
+/- 2 minutes
the answer is on your teacher's stopwatch
A type of programme that tells us if it will rain tomorrow and what will be the temperature.
weather forecast
TV show can have a lot of episodes that can be divided into _______.
a film with original ideas and very interesting characters (nápaditý)
This word is used to describe somebody's handwriting that is very difficult to read.
Are you feeling lucky?
Yes you should! Switch points with the team in the lead.
If you have the most points - you gain 500 :).