"Have to," or "don't have to"
Classroom rules
Complete the dialogue
Find the mistake
Basic Rules

Dave’s teacher has a lot of rules. Dave _______ hand in his paper on time or he fails.

has to


Choose the best answer: 

Send homework by email or bring to class. 

A)    You must not send homework by email. 

B)    You don’t have to send homework by email.

C)    You can’t bring homework to class. 

B)  You don’t have to send homework by email.


Ask me questions now because you ________ speak after the test starts.

(a) have to 

(b) must not

(c) don’t have to speak

(b) must not


What is the mistake?

We are going shopping. We must to bring money. 

must to -> must


Which of the following means there is a choice?

A) Must not

B) Don't have to

B) Don't have to


I would like you to buy this book for class, but you ____________. There are several copies at the library.

don't have to


Choose the best answer

No late work. 

A)  You can hand in work late. 

B)  You must hand in work on time.

C)  You don’t have to hand in work on time. 

B)  You must hand in work on time.


You ________ eat or drink during the test because it makes too much noise.

(a) can’t

(b) must 

(c) don’t have to

(a) can’t


It's my birthday. We has to sing "Happy Birthday!" 

has to -> have to


I, We, You, and They are followed by...

a) have to

b) has to

a) have to


    Stephen goes to a private school. They ___________ wear a uniform there. All the students wear brown pants and a white button-down shirt.

have to


Choose the best answer: 

Speak English only in class. 

A)  You must not speak other languages. 

B)  You can’t speak English.   

C)  You don’t have to speak English. 

A) You must not speak other languages.


I want you to sit in the seats that I give you. 

You ________ sit in your assigned seat.

(a) can’t 

(b) must

(c) don’t have to

(b) must


We have food. We don't has to go shopping. 

has to -> have to


When asking a yes or no "have to" question, what subjects can you use with "does" as in "does ___ have to...?"

a) I, you, we, they

b) he, she, it

b) he, she, it


Sarah’s professor wants her to send her paper by email. She __________ bring it to class.

has to


Choose the best answer

Water is the only drink allowed. 

A)  You have to drink water in class. 

B)  You can drink water in class.

C)  You must not drink water in class. 

B)  You can drink water in class.


Now, you __________ answer every question. You can leave some blank.

(a) can’t 

(b) must not 

(c) don’t have to

(c) don’t have to


The test is tomorrow. We have study. 

have -> have to


What is the past tense of "have to?"

had to 


It’s a good idea to make a study guide for each test, but you ________.

don't have to


Choose the best answer

Always do your homework. 

A) You can do all of your homework. 

B) You don’t have to finish all your homework. 

C) You must complete all your homework.

C) You must complete all your homework.


If you want to leave, you__________ hand in your test to me. Do not leave it on your desk or take it with you.

(a) have to

(b) don’t have to 

(c) must not

(a) have to


What is the mistake? 

He don't have to go to school today. 

don't -> doesn't

What type of verb do we always use after "have to," "has to," "doesn't have to," and "must?" 

base verb
